VIP Member
but Alex is married?! why the duck is she using dating apps?! presumably in the hope that men will send her messages like the one she shared, and she can use them to create content. she must be truly desperate, as she is really scraping the barrel with that story!
and wow. so she receives a message from a guy which criticises her weight, and ofc her immediate reaction is to share the conversation on SM - along with the guy's phone number, knowing damn well that her followers will leap to her defense by hounding the guy with angry and abusive messages. sure, the message he sent her was gross, but that's not a reason to publicly dox him in such a huge platform - kinda defeats the point of half cropping out his photo as a half-assed attempt to conceal his privacy when you are happy to share his number with the whole of SM. she will undoubtedly delete the story and reshare it with the number concealed, accompanied by the usual "ooops! ditzy blonde!" excuse - but she will purposefully leave it up long enough to ensure that it is seen by thousands of people, knowing they will flood him with abusive messages, thus happily encouraging bullying as long as she isn't the victim.
and whilst it's absolutely not okay, women recieve messages like this frequently, yet resist the urge to share private details of every conversation on SM for attention - especially as she seems to be using dating apps specifically to recieve messages like that which she then use as "content" - because for what other reason is she registered on dating apps when she is married and has been in a relationship with her partner for years?! that's pretty "vile" behaviour in itself, and i wonder how sh would feel if Dave started sharing screenshot of messages women were sending him in dating apps - because guaranteed she wouldn't be happy, and it would be all drama and tears!
Tbf I think it was one of her followers that screenshot the exchange and sent it to her. Which in itself is a bit strange? I find the relationship between Alex and her followers very odd.
She's not your big sister. It's all an act so she can sell you stuff