Adam the Woo #22 Bein’ a Schlub in a Tub

So excited I waited 8 months to start doing it...and again pushing his IG account where he follows no one and has no sponsorships and endorses nothing. His promotion of Hawaii vlogs on his IG did nothing for his views this past week. So why drive people there? Oh, right...
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BTW, the last few vids he hasn't pinned a comment at all, which was pretty weird for him.

Again, he keeps portraying this as "a couple of months" when it's been 4.5 months - it started on his birthday
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Ray needs to learn the the thumbs down in engagement and only helps, not hurts, the Daily Woo channel. If you're reading this Ray, watch in Incognito mode or with an ad-blocking browser app or something, and don't thumbs down
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Says the Disney shareholder
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Cross Paris off the list for January, or apparently any time soon
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He's "so ready"...I'm sure he'll run right home, pack and leave, no?
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The fact that this douche was on a Hawaiian VaCaTiON with his family and still spent his time scrolling through his damn comments, cherrypicking ones to give smart ass responses to, i.e., "Yet you'll still watch" should tell anyone on the fence about him, everything they need to know. That being, he's a bleeping narcissist, POS, whiney ass, manbaby who doesn't deserve any of the $$$ to do tit he's been given by his so-called stans/fan/viewers. Cuz clearly he doesn't REALLY appreciate that THEY are the reason he can do all this tit.
This is what I was expecting in Alaska, but then he shelled out for the helicopter tour, the dog sledding and the train. Of course, it's much easier to do that in a strange place that's within the US, where English is the primary language, etc., and outside of those things the trip was a complete disaster because he did no prep at all and then compounded it by getting to Fairbanks, realizing there was nothing to do and it was REALLY MUCH COLDER, and deciding to get out of there by hitting up Barrow - where there was even less for someone like him to do, and it was just as cold.

I'll again go back to his bizarre quote from September:

"Got the passport, there's 150ish countries that I can visit without even getting a visa, all I got to do is get on a plane, super simple, book a plane flight, go nestle into the countryside, learn a few things, get out of my comfort zone, oh I'm so excited!"

Nestle into the countryside...learn a few things? The massive contradiction in a statement that contains "all I got to do...super simple" but also "get out of my comfort zone" is amazing. But the nestle into the countryside...I do wonder if that is a hint at his initial plans.

This brings up an interesting question, the answer of which differs depending upon the perspective of who is answering it: Was the Alaska trip successful?

Tattlers would most likely answer in the negative. He bumbled through his time there, looked miserable the whole time, and barely did anything interesting. But our opinion is pretty irrelevant when it comes to what he does and how he does it.

His most devoted fans would probably say that it was incredibly successful. They'll watch anything he puts out there. They watch him buying his coffee from 7-11 while he rambles about nothing along the sidewalk.

What about casual viewers? Those who aren't subscribed to him but may be interested in what he's showing? Well, maybe they'd find the helicopter tour or the dogsledding tour interesting, but there are better ones out there covering things like that.

Then it comes down to Adam himself. Do you think he believes the trip to have been successful? Well, he didn't look like he was enjoying it as it happened. Who knows what went on in Barrow that turned him off so much that he's still complaining about it. And he didn't see a huge increase in viewers... but there were likely enough views to pay for the trip. And he got to check off the last US state for his OCD mental checklist. And he got to do it on his terms -- taking it easy, not worrying about filling a day with activities that he might not like, and eating his takeaway meals in his hotel rooms.
So I have to conclude that even though he seemed to hate it, and he didn't do the trip the way any of us would, I think he'd say it was successful.
Therefore, I expect his international travels to be quite similar to Alaska. He'll stumble around some foreign country, taking his boring food back to his hotel room, avoiding most of the things we'd actually find interesting, comparing everything to Epcot {Center}, possibly cutting trips short when he gets bored or frustrated, and generally being a poor ambassador. He'll pretend that he likes it even though he won't be having a good time.
It will be interesting to see how much he keeps it up. Will he stick with his plan of visiting a new country every month even if he has a string of bad experiences? It will be interesting to observe.

International travel is going to go great. He had a whole year to plan, but booked his first trip with under two weeks to go from his balcony at Aulani. Mr. DVC for sure got the best deals booking so late.

Money is no object so he doesn't care if he has to pay a premium to book flights only a week or two before he flies. Same with hotel rooms. His shut in lonely fans pay for everything so he doesn't care about how much anything costs.
I mean, how much money does he spend on coffee each week? On takeout food? It's not his money so he spends it freely.
It seems to me that he gets the most views from his equally deluded and low morality stans, when he features the underbelly of society. Those that he sees as lesser than, dehumanized, pawns in his “adventures”. He shows no empathy or compassion for those less fortunate than him. He uses them for his own gain and ego. Very cruelly he will continue to do so while visiting abroad. In countries that may have even worse poverty, home and food insecurity than in the US. This is what he loves to monetize. Just like GIV, TCB and TJ do for views. So demented of them all. It should be demonetized by YT just as minor abuse, neglect or violence is. So sickening of them all. We should report all of their videos when they show, without consent, any of these things. The poor homeless people living in caves guarded by dogs as an example. He relishes in showing these scenes. So christian of him right? Do not help anyone but profit from their pain Instead. What a morally bankrupt POS he and his family are for standing by him and joining in the rotten fruits of his “labour”.
It seems to me that he gets the most views from his equally deluded and low morality stans, when he features the underbelly of society. Those that he sees as lesser than, dehumanized, pawns in his “adventures”. He shows no empathy or compassion for those less fortunate than him. He uses them for his own gain and ego. Very cruelly he will continue to do so while visiting abroad. In countries that may have even worse poverty, home and food insecurity than in the US. This is what he loves to monetize. Just like GIV, TCB and TJ do for views. So demented of them all. It should be demonetized by YT just as minor abuse, neglect or violence is. So sickening of them all. We should report all of their videos when they show, without consent, any of these things. The poor homeless people living in caves guarded by dogs as an example. He relishes in showing these scenes. So christian of him right? Do not help anyone but profit from their pain Instead. What a morally bankrupt POS he and his family are for standing by him and joining in the rotten fruits of his “labour”.

I agree 100%. I found that extremely distasteful that he went out of his way to film the caves/dogs, etc. :mad:

I DETEST his poverty porn, or whatever you want to call it. He does this A LOT.

Not entirely the same, but similar nonetheless is where he routinely goes out of his way to film any abandoned building on a piece of property for sale on 192 and gives the impression the entire road is nothing but that barren wasteland - a shell of what it once was, while purposefully not filming the bumper-to-bumper traffic, loads of new and busy restaurants, the entirely huge, popular Promenade at Sunset Walk...etc. He did that on I-Drive recently too. I'm no apologist for 192 or I-Drive but I get so pissed when he paints these pictures that are SO inaccurate that you end up reading his comments and all of the morons who believe everything he says/shows believe that everything is just a decrepit shell of its former selves.

And the stans fail to put it together that 192 is mere seconds from downtown Celebration where he bought an over half-a-mil townhome. So why the duck would he choose to buy there if the area around it was THAT crappy and run down?!? :rolleyes: Dumbfucks, aren't they?

duck him, seriously. And he makes money off this tit.
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This might be his one tried and true way left of boosting views, other than getting caught with an OF woman:


As expected, the sister and BiL are headed straight back to Indiana or Iowa or wherever and are never seen in this entire vlog. Adam breaks the news that he and the parents will have "a day or two" layover in SoCal before they fly together back to Orlando. As if he doesn't know if it'll be one day or two :rolleyes:

Official Wristband Counting Time! He went and made sure he got his 8th wristband before the checkout. I guess this is another 2024 "accomplishment" for Adam? The rest of the family must be so proud. He could slice a throat with the nail on his thumb...

He confesses that he went down and got the wristband for the pool, but did not actually use the pool. Un-frigging-believable that he would put any thought or effort into this at all. He goes so far as to drag up last year's photo of his 7 wristbands and compares it to this year's 8 wristbands, and of course he's doing the shaka in both pics. Does it count if you don't use the pool? Let's ask the judges in the "most pool wristbands collected" Olympics, shall we?

What Adam reveals next is quite interesting, and a peek into the potential timing of his international plans. He says he may not be coming to Aulani next year, and in the years after that he will visit but probably won't be spending so many days at Aulani. And the reason is because Adam intends to use his DVC points at Aulani so that he can use Hawaii as a "jump point" for international travel.

Now, I guess to someone with little knowledge of the globe or geography this might make sense, but once you dig in a bit, does stopping in Hawaii really help, other than maybe with jet lag?

LA to Toyko = 12 hours
Honolulu to Tokyo = 9.5 hours
LA to Sydney = 15 hours
Honolulu to Sydney = 10.5 hours
LA to Singapore = 18 hours
Honolulu to Singapore = 15 hours

Do the time savings really make it worth burning DVC points stopping in Hawaii? Then again, we're talking about a guy that flies from Orlando to Salt Lake City and SLC to Santa Ana, CA - risking delays, longer time in the air and a total of at least 2 hours more travel time in his day just so he can save a 15 min ride to his rental car and 45 minutes in traffic. His obsession with "stopping" places on the way to other places is very bizarre, and how exactly does that work into the rigid monthly travel/home schedule he's devised?


"I also should say, right up here on this balcony this morning, I booked my first international travel trip 2025 for January. No spoilers. but it's going to be a good one."

So he JUST booked the international trip that he's leaving on in....<checks notes>...TWO WEEKS. For anyone thinking any research was or will be done 😂 😂 😂 . Wouldn't he get hammered on the airfare booking this close to departure? Unless he's going somewhere no one wants to go to at this time of year...

Back to the usual routine...this time we get a "frowned upon" as he fills up with the self-pumping gas nozzle that isn't. He manages to get two different shots of chickens roaming between the gas station and the airport, JFC.

At the airport, it's EXACTLY the same as arrival but in reverse...drop of the car, Big Ass Fan notification, says they have to take the elevator since they have luggage, the airport is "OPEN AIR" :rolleyes:. No time to go to the Sky Club! Gosh golly, that's awful, no free coffee. The gate is so far away that they have to get a ride due to Rev. Jim and Mama Woo. Adam combines his tit content into a nice crap sandwich as he rides on a cart through the open air gates and films the planes, marveling at the open air!

Adam says this is the name of the airport, but dares not try to actually pronounce it, it's just "the name of the airport" 😂😂😂

Adam explains they are NOT in First Class seats on the flight home...which is not a surprise, I suppose, given the underperformance of the Hawaiian vlogs, eh?

There is nothing quite like Adam at an airport, when everything is going good, he thinks they are just about ready to board, and then things go sideways, there's a cut, he comes back and his tone is totally different. We get "alright, plane's delayed." It's a maintenance issue on the plane, and Adam expects the worst. Gosh, I thought this kind of stuff only happened with American, how could Delta do this to him? 😂😂😂.

A part is needed, and Delta is looking for the part on "this island". Of course, if the part isn't in Hawaii, then it's not looking good. The Woos decide to head back to the Sky Club to hunker down, see what's going on and re-plan. Adam is looking for other flights, and sees a 3pm on Alaska (ha ha!) Airlines that might work.

And since he's now in the Sky Club, you know it: yes, the buffet rundown, sweet baby Jesus...and the verbal presentation is just so wonderful: "they got hummus, they got little snack crackers" - sounds like Adam might be able to construct a patented Celebration Publix dinner right there in Hawaii! But no, even though he always says he "loves" hummus and he hasn't had it in ages now, this is the plate he assembles. I think he does it just so he can use the word charcuterie

In the lounge they have a trio of pieces from the same artist hanging together of Elvis, Bette Midler and Don Ho. Adam walks up to it and wants to show it off. Please read this and tell me he's not mentally ill or incapacitated in some way:

"Elvis Presley right there, you got Bette Midler, and you got Don Ho. Check out Bette Midler right there in the middle, and Elvis from this uh, this artist right here has done a little rendition of Elvis, and Bette and Don Ho."​


On the advice of a Delta lounge employee, Adam books them on the Alaska Airlines flight leaving at 3pm, and will simply get the credit from Delta that he can use on his many international trips in 2025. He actually specifies that he booked tickets for "me, mom and dad" - did he think the viewers would assume he was leaving his parents behind?

Originally their seats were in an exit row, but at the gate Adam spoke to the agent and asked if they had anything else, and they said yes, we have another row with 3 seats that has a window, if you want that. You know Adam can't handle any flight without a nice, normal window, so he jumped at it. THAT would've made for a great vlog, Adam trapped on a plane with his parents for 5-6 hours without a window? Oh boy...

As he gets his end of jetway shot, he mutters the words "all part of the experience". Safety card, all the usual flight stuff. Adam magically cuts Delta 100% slack and says the delay is a "justifiable reason". I seem to remember many American and United delays due to technical issues and he never had that attitude. Of course he never had their credit cards and a whole bunch of miles built up, either.

PLEASE TAKE OFF, MR/MS. PILOT, PLEASE! Adam could just shut the bleeping camera off until the plane starts to move but he refuses...and so we get this..."I know I mentioned it before, but it is unusual to look out the plane window and see the little walkways that are open air like that." FFS!!!

Like before, because his entire row is his family, he feels very free to talk quite a bit more than normal. Takeoff, commence with the clouds, coffee, and snacks. Adam thinks we want to see him dunk his cookie into his coffee with his Lee Press-On Nails

He also gets in some POG/orange guava juice for a nice sugar kick. They land and Adam pats himself on the back for noticing that the Delta flight they were supposed to be on left at 5:30, 5+ hours late, arriving at 1am. The Alaskan Airlines flight got them in at 11:15pm. Certainly worth it for the parents, but not so much if it was just Adam.

They Uber to their hotel. Adam has trouble finding the bus that takes you to the Uber pickup spot. How many times has he flown in and out of LAX? I mean, I know he avoids it, but he does have a decent amount of experience with it. And he can't remember details like this? It will serve him well on international...

Adam says they have a day or so "to relax" before they leave for Orlando. Does he listen to himself? They just spent a week relaxing in Hawaii. What do they need to relax for in LA? Relax from a 5 -6 hour flight? Seriously? The vlog is over.
Originally their seats were in an exit row, but at the gate Adam spoke to the agent and asked if they had anything else, and they said yes, we have another row with 3 seats that has a window, if you want that. You know Adam can't handle any flight without a nice, normal window, so he jumped at it. THAT would've made for a great vlog, Adam trapped on a plane with his parents for 5-6 hours without a window? Oh boy...

I am relieved that they moved from the exit row. It is the responsibility of the passengers seated there to assist the flight crew in the [admittedly unlikely] event of an emergency. Sticking two people who can't even walk on their own and their mentally challenged large adult son in that row would do far more harm than good.

Adam says they have a day or so "to relax" before they leave for Orlando. Does he listen to himself? They just spent a week relaxing in Hawaii. What do they need to relax for in LA? Relax from a 5 -6 hour flight? Seriously? The vlog is over.

It's fascinating to me when he lets things slip like that. He hates that he is a slave to his daily vlog, but he has to pretend that he loves it.
This brings up an interesting question, the answer of which differs depending upon the perspective of who is answering it: Was the Alaska trip successful?

So I have to conclude that even though he seemed to hate it, and he didn't do the trip the way any of us would, I think he'd say it was successful.
Therefore, I expect his international travels to be quite similar to Alaska. He'll stumble around some foreign country, taking his boring food back to his hotel room, avoiding most of the things we'd actually find interesting, comparing everything to Epcot {Center}, possibly cutting trips short when he gets bored or frustrated, and generally being a poor ambassador. He'll pretend that he likes it even though he won't be having a good time.
It will be interesting to see how much he keeps it up. Will he stick with his plan of visiting a new country every month even if he has a string of bad experiences? It will be interesting to observe.

Agreed, and it was wildly successful views-wise compared to this second Hawaii trip. But to your last point, what happens when he does the Alaska method in different places for 3 months in a row? Much like this second Hawaii trip bombed big time, I could see those bombing too after the shine of international wears off.

I agree 100%. I found that extremely distasteful that he went out of his way to film the caves/dogs, etc. :mad:

And the stans fail to put it together that 192 is mere seconds from downtown Celebration where he bought an over half-a-mil townhome. So why the duck would he choose to buy there if the area around it was THAT crappy and run down?!? :rolleyes: Dumbfucks, aren't they?

duck him, seriously. And he makes money off this tit.

As soon as I saw that thumbnail, I knew he was gonna bother the people in those caves somehow, I just knew it. He decided it was time to show "the other side" of Hawaii, and I saw his fans in the comments asking earlier in the week if he had seen homeless people, etc. Disgusting.

And just the fact that if he can get to it in his clown car, then it's pretty damn close to his house!

I am relieved that they moved from the exit row. It is the responsibility of the passengers seated there to assist the flight crew in the [admittedly unlikely] event of an emergency. Sticking two people who can't even walk on their own and their mentally challenged large adult son in that row would do far more harm than good.

Yeah, he said he saw the exit row seats free when he booked but the app told him to see the gate agent for actual seat assignment. I assume they crossed the Woos right off the list automatically based on age. I do want Adam to suffer with no window on a flight now, though.


SO, tomorrow is a "Santa Monica with my parents" vlog. Rev. Jim is posting all sorts of videos from Santa Monica today. They are staying at the Ocean View Hotel right across from the now defunct Camera Obscura art lab, right on the beach next to the Santa Monica pier.

The good Rev. is giving his Facebook follower a tour of what he can see from the balcony. He points north and says "that's Malibu, where all the movie stars and rich people live". Uh, Jimbo, do you know the average price of residential property in Santa Monica? You're surrounded by rich people, no need to go to Malibu. He also points out "that's where Fletch was filmed", so look forward to that yet again.

Here's his pregnant baby boy doing his "job" as they make their way over PCH/Hwy 1 to the beach side:

Yes, Adam is showing his parents...the squirrels of the cliffs of Santa Monica :rolleyes:, the ones he loves to look at every time he's there. I'm sure Three's Company is discussed...



I think there are now several dozen great thread titles in this thread, it's amazing how many have blossomed

Rev. Jim has posted yet another video from beautiful Southern California, this time of the sunset. It's odd that he's posted as much or more content in one day from Santa Monica than he did in the week he was in Hawaii.

Even this travel vlog with the clickbait "delays and problems" title is only at 3k/hour, which usually means it winds up at around 37-40k after 24 hours.
Rotting teeth and one pair of filthy white shorts……he will have to double his OF budget now 🤮 :sick:
He hates Hawaii, not Disney enough for the man baby still wearing his coloured plastic Swiftie bracelets. Jimbo looks insane in the pic. What a POS hypocrite. As long as he ain’t paying then all is good. His OF loving son can be wealthy (not really working) but no one else.