I’ve only just watched yesterday‘s vlog, and I usually turn off at the questionnaire at the end of each video, but I’ve listened to them both prattle on and I absolutely cannot believe what i’m hearing.
Woe is me. Apparently it takes them the entire month of January to get over a whole month of December, of filming themselves socialising and being with their children, and it takes them all of January to straighten out their house out after hosting Christmas. Don’t they have cleaners? As well as people who come round to clean and valet their entourage of cars and a gardener and someone to pluck their eyebrows, and their parents to wipe their arses.
Going on about how frantically busy they are. I just can’t believe how completely disassociated they are from reality. How can they be? Especially if they have people who they employ. They just don’t seem to understand what working life is really like. To go OUT to work, more often than not in a job low paid and unrewarding job, Monday - Friday from 9 to 5 with a busy commute home afterwards, come home and if you’ve got children you’re working day doesn’t finish because you have to obviously attend to their needs. You don’t get a break. Most people get 25 days holiday A YEAR to do the luxury pursuits these two seemingly indulge themselves with 12 months of the year. They’ve both been on one long hiatus since lockdown, if not before. ‘Work’ for her seemed to involve getting done up to the nines to go into the office and interrupt her employees with dogs and board games and PO Box opening.
Sometimes I feel mean coming on here and judging them both, but when I hear them talking like that, it just reminds me why I do, because they’re willing to share their lives that is just a sub reality. It’s not real for majority of people and it’s just grotesque.