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Agreed. I know there are many over exaggerated and annoying characters this season, but Kate really is the worst of the lot. She's just horrible. Makes no sense why anyone would like her.
The scene in episode 1 where she asked Joe/Jonathan for dinner was just cringe. She was awful. Definitely made to exaggerate a picture of the Brits/UK for the Americans. They’ll think we are all posh wankers😂
I'm getting confused between seasons but didn't she briefly appear in NY? Either way her being in it would make no sense
I’m not sure, I can’t remember haha I thought he met her in nirvana when he got the job. He was looking at peaches. God knows lol
That is true but the background looks like the new York place for sure.
Hmmm, the plot thickens lol
Didn't enjoy this season well part 1.

The whole murder mystery thing and Kate is just all wrong, she's not joes type or attractive.
Love was beautiful bar the wolf you crap.
And Guvenive.
I was hoping for better 😔 I love his narration and how he figures people out. He hardly stalked at all this season 😂 not that I'm championing that but it's what he does. Its just all off. No nakedness either 😂 I don't find him attractive, far too slim for me but you like a bit of action!
I did enjoy seeing the lovely shots of London & agree with above the soundtrack was good.
Hoping London full stop has been the flashback and he is actually still in Paris being stalked by love while he is stalking.
Finished this season, what an absolute hot steaming pile of utter trash. It was laughable by the end.
Couldn't agree more. I loved the beautiful stately home and Joe's curly hair though.

I actually finished the series and hadn't realised it was the end. I think that says it all.
Has the second part been released already??

I was going to.say, thought I had somehow missed it 🤣 either way was not great
I don't think it's as good as other seasons but I don't think it's been that bad either.

I wonder if Americans like it, as I feel like the Brits mostly don't because of the inaccurate reflection on British culture and the annoying characters. I watch it as if it's just all fictional nonsense though (because it is!).