Its Got Flavur
VIP Member
Yankee in the South #28: If you've been blocked, just email Will at the email account he admits he never checks
I think those fuckers or one of their mods might monitor Tattle because after I posted the above I now can't see my chats anymore. I post on my phone and can see it there but now not on the chat stream on my TV. He blocked me. Hahaha what an asshole. Should I email him and will I get a reply in this decade?!?!?! Yeah, this is probably what his bleeping inbox looks like....I was the one who asked about liking thrash metal! Hahaha I knew he would go on a tangent!!! I am going to ask him about all the stars he has met at the Auto-Rama next!.
So everyone is being punished because dummy and dumber forked out 400 to stay at DW. He is going to keep talking about it until he get 400 in YT cash or until he get 400 in gift cards.
He doesn’t even think that you can tent camp at Fort wilderness. He’s an idiot.
Will says tomorrow's video is one of our best hotel reviews.
We later find out that the video isn't even finished. Such a liar.
I really enjoyed Jackie’s video and look forward to the second vlog on itI'm thinking AIOT and Jackie actually got invites to Heartsong because they know how to properly vlog reviews and positively market a new property. Willy the idiot nit-picks in his crappy trailer trash reviews, so he now gets left off guest lists. Willy got jealous and had torunwaddle there the next day to copy them and actually pay his own way Same scenario as the grand opening of Blue Azul. A day late and a dollar short!
Oh, NOW you guys believe me that he wasn't comped.
BTW, What do you think the odds are that Will will eliminate either the 92K or the 93K sus-cribers contest because they will basically be run up against each other by the time he gets presents. I think he had two contest ideas and now can't think of anything in his price range that's cheap to mail that would also be a good contest prize. He's gotta come up with some excuses. That's just what he does.
Me too!!Damn, I really came straight here...