These bleeping sheep bitching about no microwave in the room and how expensive the rooms are. I know the first thing I ask about is a microwave when I book a room.
And why is he asking for feedback about the lodge? Does he work for DW now? Is Dolly herself asking the TN liar for marketing help?
"Same as we always do" just as we thoughtI'm having my husband ask Dawn about her plans for halloween...
I’ve never NEEDED a microwave in a hotel. If I envisioned a situation wherein I did need one , I would figure that out in advance of the booking. How is this complicated? Also what “nice dress up clothes” did he wear?
He’s such a self righteous piece of tit.
I'm trying to imagine Dawn listening to slipknot
I can't wait to see their Halloween costumes. I'm guessing it's Will and Dawn.
And his over inflated ego...Will ordered a 4-hat container for the back of the car?
How will Will find room? Between the BluEtti, chainsaw, two changes of clothes, a 42-pack of chips,a case of Mtn Lightn, the E-Bikes...oh...and Denise.