Jesus haha but for real a chicken sandwich for breakfast sounds amazing! Protein and carbs (and maybe some fats), would fill you up for ages unlike an empty cookie (I would do a turkey, cheese and avocado sandwich sometimes for breakfast). I do say all of this with a bit of grace because I never used to eat breakfast, I would have coffee, lunch would probably be a frozen meal I thought was healthy and dinner would not be that great either but I think people just need to be quiet about what others eat as it doesn’t affect them at all (and maybe be mindful that not everyone wants to go to a team lunch that has been catered more for a kids birthday party
Totally agree with this! I shared here recently about the comments I got about my weight loss (at work, mostly from men) along the lines of “how did you get so skinny”, “you need fattening up”, “how’s your health kick going?” Etc. I snapped once and said would you say that to a man? It’s tiring, women are constantly harassed by the “too thin, too fat, too healthy, not healthy enough” message on repeat. Plus the social connotations for sure, I really struggle with it at work because it’s very male dominated and they love to just eat whatever and don’t really understand why I eat minimally processed (they probably think it’s a weight loss thing but I’ve maintained now for almost 3 months so it’s just my new normal).