Wow, amazing!! CongratulationsI took a digital test and it was positive so I’m taking this as my BFP. I’m in shock because I’ve been prepared by doctors for years to anticipate struggles with falling pregnant due to my endo and I’m so lucky to have ovulated only 3 weeks off the pill.
So just some stats - I ovulated on CD20, I got BFNs on 8 and 9DPO and currently I just have very sensitive boobs and cramps. I got a touch of pale pink spotting but that’s it. I’ll lurk around on this thread a bit longer since I’m nervous about it sticking and just a bit nervy in general but fingers crossed!!
I think that's what drives you the most crazy with TTC, PMT is every symptom of pregnancy, according to the internet!! It all bites you on the arse every month, just when your hormones are the worst. I have only told my best friend (who had 3 kids no problems) and my elderly cousin because she was badgering me about having the vaccine, after 30 minutes of bother, I had to do something about it@Louk hahaha I feel like I'm getting all delusional if I'm honest. I hope I'm not Meredith Grey with a hostile uterus.... GROW BABY GROW.
Took a test - BFN but if I am 9dpo then I knowwwww it's still early. I just want to know if my head is making up symptoms or if they're actually real.
My mother-in-law is selling her house to move away (we live on an island) and houses are taking forever to go through at the moment... but I want to give her something to stay. We've spoken about possibly TTC, but we don't want to actively tell her bcus that's weird. I guess that's why I'm feeling the pressure.
Don't want to digress, but I know people were talking about periods and the Pfizer shot. I've since had the Janssen vaccine and my period was a few days "late" yup, still hope you're pregnant even though deep down you know Aunt Flo is literally on the doorstep! But everything else seems normal and fine. It's available in the UK "later this year" and 1 shot. *NOT A DOCTOR* but if TTCers out there are worried about having 2 shots and the timings etc. this might be something to look into.
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