After three weeks of going without watching the Travel Trolls, we finally broke down and watched a few videos, specifically Dan injuring himself when he fell off the skateboard and Mazzy going to the dentist.
We found it quite amusing that in the introduction to the video on Dan's accident that they felt compelled to say they LOVED the skateboard, it was a great product and the company that made it was a fantastic company which was in no way responsible for Dan's injury.
Obviously they were trying to walk back their comments about how the skateboard should be thrown in the bin. Or burnt.
But Mazzy's visit to the dentist really made me angry. Anyone who's watched them for the last year or two knows the problems Mazzy has had with her teeth and how they never did anything about it. There was that one video where Dan went to a drug store and bought her a bunch of remedies to numb the pain and of course the time that went to the charity dental clinic.
Each time Mazzy talked about how much pain her tooth was causing her, I'd scream at the TV "GO TO THE DENTIST!"
So after all this time, she finally goes to a proper dentist and guess what? She has to have her tooth extracted. Even worse, Dan can't be bothered to bring her home. (No internet, he says).
And of course it wouldn't be Dan and Mazzy if they didn't talk about how much money it would cost to get Mazzy's teeth fixed, in a not so subtle plea for donations.
I've really had it with them. Not watching them anymore.