she’s going to need two seats (
I forgot darling buddy) … we need a bigger bus!
I have a TT zero tolerance policy, yet I do believe she has cancer, an ileostomy (stoma) and very much stage 4 cancer.
There have been times when I must admit I have seen the fear and sadness in her eyes after finding out her cancer had spread. The fear was real and it was, at times, quite painful to watch.
I am unsure what she is trying to achieve by twisting and distorting her story … all it does is make her more unbelievable unreliable and wicked and adds elements of disbelief to everything she says.
Her story would be classed as ‘classic’ for stage 4 colon cancer and if she’s not already being treated as palliative, I believe she will be soon given the metastatic spread which is not compatible with longevity.
And yet she’s still out there spinning her yarns and weaving her bullshit. I’ll put the heater on in the bus