When she said that, my heart sank. Imagine how tormenting it must be for her to think about. Not knowing to what extent her life will change after the surgery. Not knowing for certain what her future could be. From the worse case scenario to the best outcome.
No offence but I personally wouldn't allow myself to be emotionally affected by anything T says. She doesn't care about herself, if she cared she would be following doctors instructions and doing everything in her power to make sure surgery goes smoothly.
I'm not heartless........ far from it, but this particular cancer patient takes the piss out of genuine people.
She put her story out there to the www and invited strangers to follow her journey, asked for prayers and hoped the support would help her get through 'it'. It worked, she has Joan from the black hole in calcuta buying her merch, she has jim from down yonder wanting to pay for T's gas & electricity etc etc. What has Tiffany contributed towards this 'friendship'? She has pimped out her merch. Makes money from pimping out her merch. She spends her life recording and editing videos to make money for herself, all while Joan from the black hole of calcuta is crying and worried that T's not getting enough sleep (because she spends her sleep time editing videos to make money).
She has shared she has had genetic tests, tests to check her hormones, various cancer testing. She doesn't even have the decency to update the ones she's asked for support from?
Imagine how tormenting it must be for her? Tormented enough to be manipulating her audience. Allowing those to speak badly of the NHS staff that are supporting T? Tormented enough to IGNORE fellow patients that have been through the exact same surgery?
T doesn't care less about others.
For the record, I used to care about T and was taken in by the hardship she faces. However, I now feel that she cares about nobody but herself.