This is mothership

Random but, Gemma's mother is the vintage jewellery seller Susan Caplan, so she is from a well off background.

Would anyone be interested in a thread about we are twinset? Think I am too new to start one. They are similar to TIM but way wealthier/more polished and aspirational imo.
Random but, Gemma's mother is the vintage jewellery seller Susan Caplan, so she is from a well off background.

Would anyone be interested in a thread about we are twinset? Think I am too new to start one. They are similar to TIM but way wealthier/more polished and aspirational imo.

ive also been looking for the WAT thread... so surprised that they don’t.... no idea how TIM and WAT have gotten away with it for so long!

Also feel like Gemma’s Quarantine countdown is abit clumsy ... just get on with it quietly!And you just know on day 15 she will be all about freedom, ‘I’ve not been without my kids/alone for xyz’ do we take bets on wether she goes to ikea or home sense first? 😐
ive also been looking for the WAT thread... so surprised that they don’t.... no idea how TIM and WAT have gotten away with it for so long!

Also feel like Gemma’s Quarantine countdown is abit clumsy ... just get on with it quietly!And you just know on day 15 she will be all about freedom, ‘I’ve not been without my kids/alone for xyz’ do we take bets on wether she goes to ikea or home sense first? 😐

Get away with what? Non-disclosure? Tbh I just tend to assume everything they show is gifted (except their expensive jewellery that they never talk about). WAT get given tens of thousands of pounds of stuff a year, it's like having an extra 6 figure salary just to spend on clothes, makeup and shoes/bags. I think TIM are rather a poor relation. Interestingly they (WAT) are both Jewish too. They all seem to be from wealthy families, I don't know where Gemma and Sam live but I wouldn't be surprised if it was around the same areas of North London.
Get away with what? Non-disclosure? Tbh I just tend to assume everything they show is gifted (except their expensive jewellery that they never talk about). WAT get given tens of thousands of pounds of stuff a year, it's like having an extra 6 figure salary just to spend on clothes, makeup and shoes/bags. I think TIM are rather a poor relation. Interestingly they (WAT) are both Jewish too. They all seem to be from wealthy families, I don't know where Gemma and Sam live but I wouldn't be surprised if it was around the same areas of North London.

What does being Jewish have to do with this? Not sure I’m entirely comfortable with this being mentioned in this context - doesn’t feel right. Does their religion/race need to come into this?
Get away with what? Non-disclosure? Tbh I just tend to assume everything they show is gifted (except their expensive jewellery that they never talk about). WAT get given tens of thousands of pounds of stuff a year, it's like having an extra 6 figure salary just to spend on clothes, makeup and shoes/bags. I think TIM are rather a poor relation. Interestingly they (WAT) are both Jewish too. They all seem to be from wealthy families, I don't know where Gemma and Sam live but I wouldn't be surprised if it was around the same areas of North London.

Sorry I didn’t make it clear... I meant getting away with not having a tattle thread... although now you mention it they are probably one of the most clear accounts in that everything is gifted or PR product So they probably haven’t warranted it as you know what you are looking at 😝

Very very uncomfortable with the comment on their religion, completely irrelevant.
I agree. Really strange comment. What does them being from North London and both Jewish and then mentioning their wealthy. Seems like coded language to me.

I read it as the poster was just pointing out the similarities between We Are Twinset and TIM.
Anyway, back to TIM! I actually feel their content has been a bit more substantial and interesting this past week or so. It had turned into the Gemma show with her gloating and preaching but the new content actually has some substance and you can tell that thought has gone into it. Its still shallow as hell - but that’s what these accounts are all about I suppose.
Totally agree Nemokel, some actual work has gone in to it and you can tell rather then haphazard stories and humble bragging. Very nearly influenced in to buying one of those dresses 🤣
Yes it was just pointing out the similarities. I only know of two blogs which are written by 2 people, TIM and WAT, and they each happen to be Jewish. It seemed a coincidence as Sam and Gemma met on maternity leave and Philippa and Sarah met at a work event - ie they weren't friends from a young age through families or school. That is all.
This thread is pretty dead isn’t it!!! Are they not annoying or are they just so vanilla we don’t care

Haha! To be honest, credit where it’s due, I’ve been dipping in and out of their account and their content actually seems much better. I think they’ve started planning it and putting effort in. Before it was all Gemma whining and being smug. Their “work” day today was a trip to the hairdressers 🙄 so they’re still pretty ridiculous. It’s Gemma that intrigues me to be honest. She seems so dull and like a moany princess. Also, how does she make a living from TIM?? I know that Sam still writes so must have an income from that, but Gemma doesn’t do anything!!!! It baffles me.
I do like them and find their content interesting but the recent Covid scaremongering annoys me. Recent stories about “in case we have another lockdown”... (which just isn’t going to happen), and “not comfortable with using the tube or taxis yet”

Come on - what would they do if they had no choice but to work a 9-5?! It’s really not helpful. Also hasn’t Gemma already had the rona already?

Seriously? They went to Ikea....together...dressed like THIS?! 🙄😱

They’re just so relatable! I go to Ikea looking like this most week days actually! 🤣What a ridiculous pair! Get a proper job ladies!