So she’s swanned of to Qatar (which I’m sure she was mispronouncing) to sit and listen to a lot of highly educated, trained medical professionals talk about world health, much of it will have gone over her head. Of course she thinks because she wrote down a question, and it was read out, she’s worthy of going… could have done that via email.
I bet she was surrounded by surgeons, doctors, nurses, physios, psychologists, psychiatrists, dietitians and many more. All wondering why Abi was there.
I wonder what bull she spouted about what the charity is doing, when the reality is, she’s sold a few cups and milk jugs, and is now doing a house renovation…
It’s so odd they asked her to go, when all she’s done is make videos showing her best friend (who hated her until a few years ago) lay in bed, highly medicated, just before she passed, get all Erin’s followers to follow her. She now shows what tit she’s bought off THE TikTok Shop, teases before and after for miracle weight loss pills, that haven’t been mentioned since, and clearly don’t work, flogs stick on nails, all under the guise of “Hello Angels, tell me what you’re doing today?” When views are low, she makes videos answering questions people asked about Erin, from a year ago. Multiple holidays, cruises, festivals and even more passing lady Lyra to any one who’ll have her. That’s really worthy of attending the WHO in Qatar?
Now she off AGAIN, to Iceland. A charity trek she has done a few days of training for. She was supposed to raise £10k, she hasn’t. Interestingly, the others that are going all gave themselves achievable targets if £3k ish, and have exceeded their target.
Abi probably thought she’d be able to get the money raised with no I problem. Surely all Erin’s fans will help, but it’s the same people who comment over and over. Aside from doing tarot card readings for £30, she’s probably spent more money on ingredients for bake sales, and promoting quiz night, than she made. She’s currently raised 38% of her target. In her group, the rest have done much better.
Of course I want the charity to raise money for the hospice, it’s an important charity. I just think she should have focused on that, rather than all the above. If you’re always asking for money, and the people who watch you, don’t have much money, there’s only so much to give.
Sadly, momentum for Erin’s Angels has dwindled, and I think a lot of people would have been on board, if it had been explained in a more appropriate way. Instead, it sounds like shes getting any random stranger, from any background, with no actual training, to be with a vulnerable person, at their most vulnerable. Unfortunately situations like that, it often attracts unsavoury characters (not always) but without strict safeguarding guidelines, they’ll be at huge risk! A DBS only shows those who have been caught. Who is overseeing the volunteers? So many questions.
Hospices are VITAL, yet they struggle to stay open because there’s no government funding, which is appalling. There’s a children’s hospice in Liverpool that is probably going to close as they need to move buildings, which will cost a fortune. It’s a complete nightmare.
Yet, Saint Abi, hasn’t mentioned that, despite not being far from her. She thinks she’ll have no problem raising funds and keeping going, yet they’ve not managed to raised the £5k needed to actually start. She barely mentions EE, only to occasionally remember she has merch to flog, so slurps out of her EE cup. The people watching, have all bought the ten that have been sold. How does she expect to keep it going, money growing on trees?