The House Build #4 Here comes Beggy Bex, successful business or Mr D’s Amex?

I honestly cannot stand all these influencers who tell us how amazing their kids have done and how proud they are with GCSE results. Most are privately educated so have the best chances of higher grades due to smaller class sizes and private tutors which results in kids who are experts in passing exams - doesn’t mean they are any more intelligent. Try going to a state school in a deprived area and see how you do then.
I honestly cannot stand all these influencers who tell us how amazing their kids have done and how proud they are with GCSE results. Most are privately educated so have the best chances of higher grades due to smaller class sizes and private tutors which results in kids who are experts in passing exams - doesn’t mean they are any more intelligent. Try going to a state school in a deprived area and see how you do then.
It’s just another excuse to brag, isn’t it? Agree with you that it’s far more impressive when a child without all these privileges gets brilliant results from an underachieving school.
This made me check the shop reviews and there's a recent review on there from a Lauren. While I think she has overreacted to the message from Nikki, IB are well known for body shaming brides and stocking smaller stock than usual to deter 'plus size' brides. They fat shamed a friend of mine and she's not even big! Rebecca's response to the review however is condescending by saying she was 'triggered'.
Why does she always have to declare she’s going “home to cook dinner for the fam” no one gives a shiny shite!! Let me guess chicken and greens “a family fave” 😴
Ooohhh nooooo, it will be a slow roasted 25 year cured tenderloin marinated in the honey from the local bees with a side serving of double roasted potatoes that have been submerged in the fat of a local goose. Just all whipped up quickly on her £10k bbq