No one is wishing she was “sad” or is bothered by her being in a relationship. It’s the fact she is SO fake, still calling herself a medic, still the pinned posts on her Instagram are of her as a doctor in scrubs, she still poses for interviews with a stethoscope etc. That all winds me up the most as it’s so dodgy and she is cashing in on that status. And all because her content is so boring now, nothing like it used to be when it was informative and of value. It’s just generic instahun (cleaning my kitchen shelves, one cares!). Add to that, she always posts triggering things such as the story just before this one, showing her tiny meal next to his big one - WHY?! We know you eat less, we know you can’t train as hard, we know you think you are less of a person! Stop bowing down to this imbecile. And lastly the reason she gets negativity is her boyfriend has the biggest ick factor of anyone I have seen online. He is so big headed and arrogant. No one wants to see or hear from him yet she has to have him on everyone post now. He is grim!
Hope that helps