I believe the trailer is on loan to them from the manufacturer. At some point it will be going away. To me I’d rather tow a trailer with a truck that can split off and explore rather than have a C class towing a tiny underpowered tow vehicle. That is personal preference, so I cannot argue too strenuously that they are wrong.
However, why they are not heading due South with all speed to get to warmer climates just seems insane to me. The lack of planning is more than just getting into a routine with RVing and sticking to it. It is the lack of planning to the point they now own Clementine, Ruby, Doug, and the diesel Ford. The Clementine just looked like a basket case when hey bought it and they sunk all sorts of money into it, and then they get Ruby that they basically rebuild because they liked the look of it rather than a small Fiat, Honda, or Chevy that would require minimal alteration and likely be far ore comfortable. I get the idea they are pondering changing things up and starting some sort of Air B & B sideline business. I cannot blame them, but guess we’ll see.
They are charismatic, and I keep watching. I would rather they just fess up RVing is not for them and pack it in as a lesson learned. Instead, I think the 50 state challenged will just fade away and the whole thing will be kind of lame. It reminds me of when Magic Geekdom moved from te Pacific Northwest to Orlando. Things did not go there way. The job market was not what they expected and the housing market was on upswing in price too. It was clear after six months or so they burned out on the Parks and Florida, but put out a similar voiding moaning about their new home, but noted at the end they did not regret it. A few months later they moved out of Florida. I see a similar thing happening here.
On a side note: EA’s British counter parts announced they are having a baby boy. Which is great they seem truly happy about the expected baby. I wish them all well. On the other hand, they indicated they know things will change but they plan to push on with their travel channel. I just don’t think that is being realistic. I suspect they are in for a shock and the channel is in for some big shifts. I think the Trakers grossly underestimated the impact having a kid would have on their lives. lol