I think their old RV for long term travel is heading to be a bust. First, any RV for full time living can be an upkeep nightmare let along with a 40+ year old rig. They have not even begun to stress the interior upgrades to see if they last even if the mechanical gremlins can be worked out.
I just get the gut feeling RV living at least in that set up is as comfortable as they were hoping.
I don’t have a clue as to their financials or crunch numbers on RVs etc but I suspect selling Clementine and their Dodge for a pickup truck and a towable would be the better way to do. Don’t even want to start what a monetary sinkhole and bad idea it was to get and upgrade the Samurai. I find them charismatic and appealing but at the same time their sense of style and especially image over practically can frustrating to watch.
If you are going to full time RV life then practical considerations should win out over the Suzuki just looked right for us despite it being underpowered, no AC and manual transmission. It was just dumb.