Just watched Fanny's latest effort...
Is she not aware (rules are for other people) that the use of drones is strictly prohibited in Morocco? If undeclared upon arrival, drones are confiscated for up to 45 days abd good luck getting it back. If caught bringing one into Morocco, fines are approximately €120 with confiscation of the device. Or has she used someone else's stock drone footage without permission?
Snakes don't seem to worry her... not surprising as they recognise their own kind. A snake charmer in Morocco told me the snakes are milked before a performance or have their mouths sewn up for performances, so that they starve to death. Now, I'm not a fan of snakes, but that's just cruel! I would have never given them air time. Nor would I ever encourage, or give money to, those who use performing monkeys. Happily she didn't show them (yet); no need as that's what she's got Gerald for.
Food glorious food Moroccan style and Fanny sticking her greedy dirty mits into everything and sharing. The stores offering a taste usually have toothpicks on offer to try various goodies, why didn't she use them? Nowhere did she use a napkin to wipe her hands after. They are supplied too. No-one needs to see a whole roasted sheep, thanks. Gerald likes none of the food and has shepherd's pie. Fanny rubs Marie's face in it for not being invited. We all know Fanny is never ever going to take her to Marrakesh.
The sweet man playing guitar and singing expects to be paid in cold hard dirhams Fanny! He dies not expect to be paid whatever it is you're thinking he wants, because no, he doesn't want that!
What did I mention in an earlier post about her getting wiped out by someone on a motorbike or moped?
Came close there, didn't you Fanny!