If something is chipped, it's not in good condition! The descriptions are very short and the whole thing looks very unprofessional. On one description, he's split the name Spode, with "Spo" on one line and "de" on the next! With the first Italianate item, he has omitted to say it's Spode. What on earth does "Sold per mean, does it mean he's sold two or that there are only two left? I am a native English speaker but that makes no sense at all! I would never buy anything from a site that looks so badly put together.
One nutter in the comments was just about thrilled that Fanny would be handwriting the rip off cards as she would then have a piece of the chatelaines own hand ...
As M&MsMom states correctly Janky Jiz is not correct at all about the plates. The twits like to say they don’t do etiquette they just/like to do it their way , means that they can do anything and others mistakenly think they are doing it correctly.
Who eats each course from a low rimmed soup bowl . NO ONE. Then the pretentious twit comes out with ice cream spoons, Did FRK make the ice cream , I don’t think so.
Snorts is lazy, stupid and ignorant. He has no understanding of etiquette or good manners.
His use of napkins , cloths, plates , cutlery, decanters, knife rests etc etc is uncomfortable and wrong.
It is so annoying that just because viewers see these idiots using things like the dump, they think they have class and style.
You never see him offering water, wine or bread to guests. Why does Fanny sit opposite Snorts ? Even the sitting arrangements are poorly thought out with him sitting opposite Fanny. It is no way to treat guests.
His knowledge of hand painted china is zero and he also has no clue how to describe items. It has nothing to do with language. Chipped, cracked , scratched is all poor condition not good. He even calls pitting in the china ‘bumps’! That is not language universally understood…
Basic knowledge. He drives me mad,
They do not know how to care or store china or crystal either.
I would like to offer him an online tutorial to try…and make him understand what an ignorant boy he is.