VIP Member
Shady deceitful con artist Stephanie is trying to separate the Patreon account and redefine the use of the account as supporting the creation of the Château diaries videos only, e.g., paying for her staff, travel for the gruesome twosome and at times chamber potty, mummy, or the bagheads, auctions, shopping, etc. Since the chapel rental star scam, she is now trying to separate all of her major projects into separate “ funds” that need individual fundraisers outside of the $34,000 per month she receives from Patreon. The chapel star money grab Got her over 400,000+Euros/ $$$$ outside of the $34,000 per month she receives from Patreon. It is all part of her smoke and mirrors, control by chaos ongoing financial manipulation of viewers and Patrons. What happened to the money in the lake fund? There is no lake fund. There is just the personal bank account of Stephanie Jarvis.I was under the impression that people were alreadypayinghelping with the not-so-grand salon and terrace via Patreon.
How rude of us to expect her to make a living and pay for her house with only 30k+ a month.. never mind the tax-free amount. Who is posting those cards? They can't even get the Patron cards out.
She will expect viewers and patrons to send additional money or buy additional crap from her to allegedly go into a separate fund for each project, which she will never show the account for, the estimates for, actual checks or money transferred to fulfill the projects, etc. She knows that she’s getting ready to spend the next six months on expensive five star luxury vacations, so she creates a little story lines of how she, Snorts, and ChamberPottie are being thrifty and working so hard having little fundraisers by selling chipped porcelain at usurious prices, pop up cards for $20, etc.
It is all smoke and mirrors bullshit to detract from questions as to where the past 12 months of $400,000 in Patreon funds have been spent, since we all know that is no more than $150,000 at the most ( if any) sitting in the nonprofit account or she would’ve had to file a public documentation of the amount in the account and the amount of money spent. She hasn’t spent it on the dump, or the heating ( which supposedly the other two co-owners chipped in 50% of the cost of the heating system…… we all know that is a lie). However, she has gone on several luxury four and five star vacations, a dozen mini vacations on London, France, Switzerland, Brussels, the Netherlands, etc., bought a used Porsche, spent over 5000+ euros on 2 Prague ratters alone plus a few thousand euros on travel to pick up both dogs, and Louis Vuitton carrier, in about a dozen cashmere sweaters and coats, and spent well over €100,000/dollars shopping so far in 2024, nonstop auctions, etc.
She has already started her lies about the heating system at the dump, will lie about the upcoming four or five star Scottish vacation and her footing the bill to take four people at a minimum to a five star luxury vacation in morocco while expecting pensioners to pay for her Dump, fake gay fiancé, travel expenses, etc.
Watch the actions of Stephanie Jarvis and her videos carefully. She still has to spend a week or so in the south of France gatecrashing the early Christmas decorations and festivities of her aunt and uncle, in addition to vacationing in Scotland and morocco. She also has to get ready for a massive year end ebegging campaign for the chapel. What was she try to sell next? I bet one of her advent videos will be about Creating the pop up cards for the dump or the chapel.
Did you noticed in the past couple videos, neither Stephanie, nor loser Philip used the $200+ Japanese luxury status hand made umbrella that she insisted was needed at the dump. Yet another lie. She holds out the status umbrella When she goes to London, another château, or wants to pretend she’s rich or wants to impress someone with her Ebegged wealth. They have dozens of umbrellas at the dump. Stephanie was just wasting cash as usual Buying her status umbrella to try to impress other people.
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