Always sn exhibitionist.
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The only time she seems to cover up is when she is in bed with her frightened fake gay grifter and online bully and fake accounts fiancé.
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I believe the Christian Dior scarf/ throw is a fake. What do you think? Can anyone find it as sold by the brand? We all know Stephanie is a label
bleep, even if they are manufactured knock offs or fake.
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I noticed that too. She refused to show the exterior of the vehicle or the steering wheel, which has identifying information. Also. Snorty was not allowed to drive so Stephanie must’ve had to wear her glasses instead of her brightly colored contact lenses with a tiny pupil holes. She doesn’t want to reveal to viewers that she and sleazy loser Philip Are that disgusting, to use the vehicle of a “ friend” to travel thousands and thousands of miles, to trash constantly, to allow peacocks to poop on incessantly and not cover up the vehicle, to allow a dog with extremely long nails, to run through out the car in the backseat, and vomit and Pea and repeatedly. We know that they wash the vehicle once in the nine months that they had the vehicle at their disposal. Stephanie did not want to reveal the fact that the porch is likely gone because she didn’t want to get the backlash from viewers who would be appalled by her selfishness and blatant abuse of a vehicle belong to another person. I wonder if Andrew only left the keys at the dump so the car could be moved only if necessary, and the gruesome twosome just decided to start driving it themselves? When the car was left at the dump in October, 2024, it had a car cover on it. What happened to it?
If they, in fact, use the car without permission or exceeded the permission given, I can see why pope Andrew would be pissed. He has seen dozens of videos where his car has been trashed, used to haul chandeliers, crammed in the back, Ratso, not cared for, and hauled all over Europe. If it is still his vehicle, it is likely his insurance to cover the vehicle for liability purposes. Anyone be pissed at the greedy, gruesome twosome. I have a feeling we won’t see papa Andrew anymore or very rarely.
Is Stephanie trying to come up with a story as to why she abused the vehicle for months if she never purchased it? Talk about deliberately screwing over a friend and documenting it in videos that would receive millions of use. That sends a big message out to anyone else not to loan anything to Stephanie.
I bet they were driving FRK’s SUV. Is Marie’s car actually owned by Stephanie and Stephanie only gave Marie the right to drive it? That is why only Stephanie is driving the vehicle and loser Philip has been relegated to shotgun ? What is the whole Marie gets a new car a stage storyline and actually Murray only got the right to drive a car that he been purchased by Stephanie? Is that why FRK never drives the car anywhere? The car is owned an insured by Stephanie?