I had to look up why anyone would be attracted to a narcissistic partner and found this on Huff Post. I know some of you out there are quite knowledgeable about narcissists, but it's still quite new to me. These observations answer a lot of questions about the relationship between Fanny and Philip.
The extreme narcissist might be superficially charming to people outside their family but at home, they let their true, nasty colours show. They desire recognition and praise, so they'll make the effort to butter up those people who'll speak highly of them in public and bolster their reputation.
At home, they have no need to be pleasant with their spouse. The prey has been caught; the trophy acquired. The spouse of the extreme narcissist should expect neglect at best; abuse at worst.
There are two types of people who'll marry an extreme narcissist: a people-pleaser or another narcissist. One narcissist will marry another, perhaps even more extreme narcissist, to establish a mutually-exploitative and mutually beneficial relationship.
Both narcissists understand that there's no love to be found in this arrangement - which is more like a business transaction than a meaningful, intimate connection. Both people are using the other in order to facilitate their own goals.
One narcissist will choose to become the spouse of a more extreme narcissist in order to have a wealthy lifestyle, or more popularity. They desire social status, influence, fame. They'll use the money and connections of their spouse to build their own brand.