As I can understand it, Lauren (Archie's sister) and a couple of other girls tried to beat up the new gf of her ex, but it resulted in the new gf (or another girl, it's hard to make out) smacking the tit out of them. For some reason (probably just chav drama) Lauren told her family it was a lad that was also there.
This resulted in Tom and his mate, and Hollie chasing the lad until he crashed his car. The rest you can work out from the papers.
Allegedly Tom and his "gang" have been threatening and intimidating witnesses and the lad who they attacked.
I would imagine that as a result of being arrested, the gruesome twosome (HD and TS) had their electronic devices and homes searched (I think Tom's fathers home was searched?) and a lot of other criminality has come to light, and the police are probably trying to put the entire case to the CPS.
There's probably a lot of stuff they want to charge him and his mother for. I just can't help but think they will throw the book at T but let H off the hook as she probably says she has PTSD or something. I bet the cops have been waiting for the opportunity to get this family tbh.