something less identifiab
VIP Member
I'm with youRight, that's it. This thread has gone batshit. I'm sorry Stacey's dog died but people need to get a fu*king grip.
I'm with youRight, that's it. This thread has gone batshit. I'm sorry Stacey's dog died but people need to get a fu*king grip.
If you have a look at her videos on Instagram (I don’t know what you call it; they’re at the top and it’s labelled ‘boys rooms’) it shows you Leighton and Zach’s individual spaces (as you do, show however million people around the bedrooms of your pre-teen sons ).
They're all kitted out with everything a young man would want or need, well apart from being anywhere near their mother of course. I’m not even sure if she mentions where the boys rooms are in that but even if she was asked I’m sure she would come up with some blether about ‘oh they’re so grown up’ but let’s face it, even if they are what if they don’t feel well or have a bad dream in the middle of the night? However ‘grown up’ she thinks they are they’ll want their mum at some point and she’s just not even in the same building!
Materially I’m sure they have all they could ever want or need, probably more than, but psychologically how bad must they feel; their mum keeps describing Pickle Cottage as her perfect and dream home yet there isn’t even room for them in the house! Nice one Stace! Still, least she’s got her ‘proper family’ with that permatanned grinning scruffy mockney halfwit in the main building; got to get your priorities straight eh?!
Lounge wear- a small step up from pjs in your world and your sis has a rangeWhy do her and her whole family do this? If you cba leggings and a hoodie are widely available? It’s on relatable if you’re an absolute slob. Stacey does it in slippers as well it’s pure laziness
Yes I didn't realise to begin with she actually posted a pic of that, it's very sad Theo has died and I do feel for them! Rip Little Theo! But why can't they keep pictures like that private do they not enjoy or keep anything private to themselves it's so sad really, that they think they have to share everything! Or maybe they have too to earn the money as Katie price is the same!I do feel sad for them all but a montage with her crying face with a dead or dying dog is too much!
A nice pic of her & a little message would suffice. Also it always confuses me why she has to write to the kids or now the dog, why not say she made me feel this way instead of you made me feel this way?!
My cat died recently & she was 15. A lap cat who knew when I was upset & helped me through many MH crisis. I didn't ask someone to take a pic of me when she was dying in my arms, I didn't even consider it.
I put a picture up of her on social media, no big announcement, those who I'm close to knew, those who I'm not didn't ask & I didn't tell them.
It's sad & it did make me feel sad for them but there is a bloody limit to how much you milk it! I still can't get over the pic, who thought a pic of them devastated crying was a good idea?! Harrowing.
I’m sorry for her children loosing their pet, especially little Rex who seemed very close to her but it’s hard to feel sorry for her when she openly laughed about moving house & leaving her cat behind.
Within a few days of moving she had taken in a very tame ‘stray’ and was allowing her toddler to pull out of it while she sat filming & laughing. He almost slammed the back door on its leg. The cat she left behind was very quickly forgotten.I did not know this! Awful.
I’m glad some one on here talking sense. I swear someone on here said they were crying about her dog. If you’re crying about someone you’ve never mets dog who died of old age you need to take a look at yourself. I may cry when I read awful or traumatic stories of people have died not a celeb dogs ffs
Wow!! Seriously, just when you think there’s a line which Stacey’s crossed with her endless slobbishness and constant knit/fleece/lounge wear combinations and creations in completely inappropriate situations, she has now been well and truly surpassed. Crikey, forget Stacey, all is forgiven, as that lot have just seen that line, stuck a finger up and gone and limboed right underneath it!Why do her and her whole family do this? If you cba leggings and a hoodie are widely available? It’s on relatable if you’re an absolute slob. Stacey does it in slippers as well it’s pure laziness
Yes, it was this photo that had me stop and go ‘that’s too much’. Don’t take the photo and if you must take it, don’t share it, or if you must share it, don’t share it to literally millions of people you don’t know and who didn’t personally know Theo. Like I said before, it’s not for us to say how she should or shouldn’t grieve of course not, but this, this isn’t about grieving, it’s inappropriate and it’s too personal, in my opinion at least.Just catching up and I’ve just realised she posted a photo of herself with Theo either dead or dying. What a horrible photo to post and I now believe she done that for engagement purposes. There was NO NEED to do that. A small montage of Theo’s life was enough. Is nothing sacred to them and I actually blame the knob who took the photo. Probably that orange monkey and even if they did want the last photo of him dying they should have kept it to themselves. Is nothing sacred in their horrible over publicised lives
I cried when I watched it, thanks. Some people care about animals regardless of who they belong to
Why do her and her whole family do this? If you cba leggings and a hoodie are widely available? It’s on relatable if you’re an absolute slob. Stacey does it in slippers as well it’s pure laziness
Exactly!! He lived to a good age and he had a happy life (bar having to put up with Rex's less than gentle behaviour in recent years).Its sad her dog died. And i get it might make you emotional thinking of your own dog(s).
But when my dog died i didnt think of having a perfectly composed photo of me crying holding her and i defo wouldn't have had the energy for a video montage.
A quick post and photo collage would do.
Also people saying stuff like i wouldnt wish this pain on anyone, erm u do realise when you buy a dog its pretty inevitable you'll outlive them right? Sad as it is its what you sign up for.