On the whole kitchen front; I was wondering if the reason she’s not revealing it yet even though she’s more than likely had it done is because it was had via scrounging, sorry I mean she ‘worked with a brand partner’, and they don’t want her to reveal it until the new year?
I mean, say the lovely people at Wren* were nice enough to do their kitchen. Now I’m no expert but after Christmas sales of pretty much all non essentials slump as we’re all skint so maybe Wren thought her advertising her lovely sparkly new kitchen after Christmas will help bolster a poor sales time?
It’s that or she doesn’t want to use all her material up in one go! I mean she’s got to keep the sheep engaged hasn’t she and if they had Rose, a TV show, Christmas, the lounge/downstairs and then a new kitchen all in quick succession, well, their poor little heads may explode!
* It’s when she comes out with shite like ‘oooh I loved working with Wren, they’re so good and let Mick fit all the units and plumb the sink in by himself blah de blah’ crap that I get disproportionately irritated!
News flash Stace, unless whilst we all blinked and missed it and you’ve acquired a skilled trade or craft, become a qualified kitchen designer or fitter or anything along those lines which I suspect is highly improbable, you didn’t work with Wren at all. What actually happened is you let them upgrade your utility room/kitchen/whatever for nowt and in return you plaster it all over the ‘gram and sing their praises as often as possible. Work with them my arse, sorry but that gets right on my wick!