Just went down a rabbit hole of articles from when she split with Leighton’s dad and she said then how much she wanted a daughter, if Leighton had of been a girl she would be finished having children. Obviously times and opinions change but it is clear from that how much she had invested in having a girl
Oh she totally wanted and invested so much in having a girl I don’t think she’d have been able to cope should the baby had turned out male!
Actually, given the fact that she lies about so much else, even pointless irrelevant stuff which she would have no need to lie about, she’s been remarkably open and honest about how having a girl has pretty much been the best thing that’s ever happened to her and how Rose is most definitely her favourite! Y’see Stace, telling the truth isn’t that hard! You haven’t turned into stone or grown another head and you probably would have gained a lot more support for your honesty should it not have been such a super
tit thing to do to your other children.
I think when she speaks about her PND with Rex (and I’m a) not downplaying PND or any D in any way, it’s truly horrific and b) not saying that she didn’t go through a rough time as I’m sure she did) it would have lot to do with him not being the girl she’s always wanted and then as mentioned before on here, the subsequent resentment and then guilt that followed this which led to him being spoilt rotten and then a complete feral brat!
As soon as she got the scan telling her this one was a girl then that was it; there was the pink nursery, the plethora of pink equipment and accessories and basically if you wrote a list of stereotypes for female children and babies, Stacey would have ticked everyone of those off and probably created more of her own!
Of course none of this would have been a real issue if Opal Fruit was her first born and all Stacey wanted to talk about, but that’s so far off the mark it’s not even funny. I doubt she even contemplates or comprehends just how horrible it must be for Zach or Leighton (Mick’s still a little young but he’ll too get to read it all later
) to read how much better she feels than after having them and how after a wonderful home birth Rose is her dream child and utterly perfect in every way. I mean you would think that it must be she surely can’t understand how hurtful reading some of the comments she makes and/or some of her actions truly would be for the boys, but then again, if she doesn’t what’s her excuse? She’s their mother ffs, if she doesn’t put Zach and Leighton first then what the hell?!
Pffffft, I just think at times she’s bordering on cruel and heartless and whilst no one’s advocating that she shouldn’t love or care about Rose, I do feel with her behaviours now she’s only setting herself up for a whole lot of remonstrations and resentment in the future as her other children get older.
Not that she’ll do owt about it like, I doubt she could really give a
tit now she’s got her daughter. I dunno, whilst I suppose I could come to overlook the fake look, the myriad of lies and untruths and the constant smoke and mirrors about what she’s doing when and who with, the thing I really struggle with is how she treats those (older mainly but even Rex is getting a taste now) boys and quite frankly I think she should be ashamed.
She’s an utterly selfish woman she really is!