Is gender selection illegal in UK? i saw people were speculating Danielle Lloyd used gender selection and I think Stacey probably would if she still never got her girl
I have no doubt whatsoever that if gender selection wasn’t illegal then the strength of feeling and emotion that Stacey had around having a girl would have meant she would have utilised it. From the way she was during pregnancy to things like the nursery, decorated in so many shades of pink it looks like the inside of a womb, right through to how she’s behaving now, having a daughter has literally consumed Stacey’s life for the past year.
Tbh, from the outside at least, she’s bordering on being obsessed with Rose. Always a gamble I know(!), but if you believe what she says she spends hours doing little more than stare at the wondrous perfect little female she’s created (yeah, I know Joe technically had a role but we all know that Opal Fruit is HER baby!!
), and whilst we all knew that the boys would take a back seat once her ladyship arrived, Stacey’s managed to outdo herself in the way she now manages to studiously avoid her male offspring so diligently, and actually, what is quite shocking, publicly! The ‘gram Halloween photos are a wonderful example of this; front centre is the picture of her, Tango Man and their two little satsumas, then if you can be bothered to flick further through you get to see the other, less important members of the family, the picture itself being somewhat of a necessary nuisance!
Saying that, I do think that despite being the answer to all her prayers, gender selection would have caused a dilemma for her as well. Clearly paying for a designer baby merely so you can choose yourself a daughter is going to alienate you from hella lot of people and with a subject like this emotions run high, and that’s emotions of the sheep as well as everyone else. Stacey does like to keep the sheep on side and this could pose a real issue; I mean, if you’re struggling to conceive and would give your back teeth to just have a baby regardless of its sex, Stacey sweeping in a picking herself a girl just because she’s always wanted one isn’t going to enamour her to you much. We all know how our Stace prides herself on being nothing if not relatable and so that’d be a mine field I’m sure she’s relieved she didn’t have to negotiate!
This radio silence will be driving the huns crazy. I bet her DMs are bursting.
Do we think she’s silent because she’s been caught out over the pumpkin lies or do we think she actually doesn’t give a tit and is busy living her best life with her number one chosen golden child Roess
I’m sure her mailbox is full to overflowing with bleatings of concern, and of course she’ll be loving it. What’s it they say; ‘treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen’, a tactic Stacey clearly feels the need to utilise with the sheep!
Well it’s either that or she actually doesn’t give a
tit about them and I don’t know what’s worse!
Either way there’s one thing you can pretty much guarantee, she’ll never be too far away from Opal Fruit, with Opal Fruit dressed in something that Stacey thinks is befitting of the female of the species; think pink, think floral, think twee as
I do think the whole pumpkingate situation has rattled her though! For so long she’s been peddling lie after lie and untruth to the sleep and they’ve lapped it up, no question, but we’ve now come along and upset things with our calling her out on her dishonesty and proving what a lying mare she really is. Pfffff, let her crack on with it, she won’t be able to keep up the silence forever as she daren’t push the sheep too far and start to annoy them! Also she’ll be wanting to flog some more of her shite and make some more money, greedy madam she is, so it won’t be long before she sheepishly (pardon the pun!
) emerges from licking her wounds with ‘what am I like?’, ‘just been concentrating on Rose and breastfeeding so can’t do a thing else, but reading all your messages gave me life’, ‘sorry, didn’t mean to worry you but love you all to the moon and back!’ and various other platitudes.
Following this the sheep will be so relieved they’ll forget all about it, equilibrium will be restored and all will be well with the world once more, well, unless you’re one of Stacey’s other children of course. If you have the misfortune of being one of Stacey’s sons then unfortunately life will continue to go on as it will forever, no matter where you go or what you do or achieve, you’re never going to match up to Opal Fruit so you might as well not bother. Sad but true I’m afraid.