This depends who’s paying you. If you’re knowingly charging the public purse extortionate sums of money that far exceed the value of the service you’re providing, a defence of “my best mate who owns a company I work for, was happy to sign it off
”, is not going to get you very far.
I’d be very, very surprised if he ended up with all that £484k. Pure conjecture of course but, my bet is that after each payment was made, a brown envelope landed on the doormat at O’Callaghan Towers. Pushed through by the grubby, chocolate-covered sausage fingers of one Simon Harris.
Will be very interesting to see the statement from Essex CC. Any predictions? Will it be defensive or do they throw them under the bus? I reckon something along the lines of, “The person responsible for signing off these contracts no longer works for Essex County Council, but we’re happy to cooperate with any investigation blah blah blah.”