Secret Celebrity Gossip #182

My phone won't zoom in properly, could you provide a TLDR please?

35. On the day of shooting the scene in which Ms. Lively's character gives birth, Mr. Baldoni and Mr. Heath suddenly pressured Ms. Lively to simulate full nudity, despite no mention of nudity for this scene in the script, her contract, or in previous creative discussions. Mr. Baldoni insisted to Ms. Lively that women give birth naked, and that his wife had "ripped her clothes off" during labor. He claimed it was "not normal" for women to remain in their hospital gowns while giving birth. Ms. Lively disagreed, but felt forced into a compromise that she would be naked from below the chest down.
36. When the birth scene was filmed, the set was chaotic, crowded and utterly lacking in standard industry protections for filming nude scenes such as choregraphing the scene with an intimacy coordinator, having a signed nudity rider, or simply turning off the monitors so the scene was not broadcast to all crew on set (and on their personal phones and iPad). Mr. Heath and Mr. Baldoni also failed to close the set, allowing non-essential crew to pass through while Ms. Lively was mostly nude with her legs spread wide in stirrups and only a small piece of fabric covering her genitalia. Among the non-essential persons present that day was Wayfarer co-Chairman Mr. Sarowitz, who flew in for one of his few set visits. Ms. Lively was not provided with anything to cover herself with between takes until after she had made multiple requests. Ms. Lively became even more alarmed when Mr. Baldoni introduced his "best friend" to play the role of the OBGYN, when ordinarily, a small role of this nature would be filled by a local actor. Ms. Lively felt that the selection of Mr. Baldoni's friend for this intimate role, in which the actor's face and hands were in close proximity to her nearly nude genitalia for a birth scene, was invasive and humiliating.

38. Mr. Baldoni added a detailed scene to the Film in which the underage version of Ms. Lively's character, Lily, loses her virginity. In both the book and the script for the film, there was no sex scene; instead, the details about this moment were left to the audience's imagination. But Mr. Baldoni, added in considerable details, including both dialogue between Young Lily and her boyfriend (Atlas) about the loss of her virginity, as well as a simulated sex scene in which Mr. Baldoni filmed, and including his initial cut of the Film, a close up of Young Lily's face, accompanied by an audible gasp at the moment of penetration. Ms. Lively was informed that when this scene was shot, after Mr. Baldoni called "cut," he walked over to the actors and said, "I know I'm not supposed to say this, but that was hot," and,"did you two practice this before?"

31. Without these protections in place, Mr. Baldoni improvised physical intimacy that
had not been rehearsed, choreographed, or discussed with Ms. Lively, with no intimacy coordinator involved. For instance, Mr. Baldoni discreetly bit and sucked on Ms. Lively's lower lip during a scene in which he improvised numerous kisses on each take. Mr. Baldoni insisted on shooting the full scene over
and over again, well beyond what would have been required on an ordinary set, and without advance
notice or consent.
32. On another occasion, Mr. Baldoni and Ms. Lively were filming a slow dance scene
for a montage in which no sound was recorded. Mr. Baldoni chose to let the camera roll and have them perform the scene, but did not act in character as Ryle; instead, he spoke to Ms. Lively out of character as himself. At one point, he leaned forward and slowly dragged his lips from her ear and down her neck as he said, "it smells so good." None of this was remotely in character, or based on any dialogue in the script, and nothing needed to be said because, again, there was no sound —Mr. Baldoni was caressing Mr. Lively with his mouth in a way that had nothing to do with their roles. When Ms. Lively later objected to this
behavior, Ms. Baldoni's response was, "I'm not even attracted to you."
b. Mr. Baldoni inserted improvised gratuitous sexual content and/or scenes involving nudity into the film (including for an underage character) in highly unsettling ways.
33. After Ms. Lively signed onto the movie based on a draft of the script, Mr. Baldoni,
without Ms. Lively's knowledge or consent, personally added graphic content, including a scene in which Ms. Lively was to orgasm on-camera.
34. When Ms. Lively objected to these additions, Mr. Baldoni insisted he had added
them because he was making the Film "through the female gaze." Although he agreed to remove the scenes, he made a last-ditch attempt to keep one in which the couple orgasm together on their wedding night, which he said was important to him because he and his partner climax simultaneously during intercourse. Mr. Baldoni then intrusively asked Ms. Lively whether she and her husband climax simultaneously during intercourse, which Ms. Lively found invasive and refused to discuss.

46. While, on the one hand, Mr. Baldoni was objectifying Ms. Lively as a sex object,
on the other hand he went out of his way to message criticisms of her age and weight, neither of which she could change during filming. On the second day of filming, for example, Mr. Baldoni made the rest of the cast and crew wait for hours while he cried in Ms. Lively's dressing room, claiming social media
commentators were saying that Ms. Lively looked old and unattractive based on paparazzi photos from
the set. She tried to reassure him that she should look authentic in the scenes depicted in the photos, which
were just after her character had been abused by her fictional husband, rather than "hot" —Mr. Baldoni,
however, appeared focused on Ms. Lively's sexual appeal above all else. His lengthy outburst caused a delay in shooting, forcing an emotional scene to be shot haphazardly.

49. Mr. Baldoni also routinely degraded Ms. Lively by finding back channel ways of
criticizing her body and weight. A few weeks before filming began and less than four months after Ms. Lively had given birth to her fourth child, Ms. Lively was humiliated to learn that Mr. Baldoni secretly called her fitness trainer, without her knowledge or permission, and implied that he wanted her to lose
(' Ms. Lively was not given proper lactation breaks by Wayfarer during filming, which sometimes stretched into six hours without a break. When filming finally broke, Ms. Lively would have to run to her trailer to breastfeed. The lack of accommodation for her need to express milk caused her to develop painful mastitis.)
weight in two weeks. Mr. Baldoni told the trainer that he had asked because he was concerned about having to pick Ms. Lively up in a scene for the movie, but there was no such scene. '°
50. When Ms. Lively caught strep throat, Mr. Baldoni offered as a "gift" to connect her
with an expert he had on retainer to help her with probiotics and to combat the sickness. When Ms. Lively went to fill out the privacy forms, she saw the expert was not what Mr. Baldoni had represented her to be, but was instead a weight-loss specialist. Ms. Lively felt, once again, that Mr. Baldoni was shaming her for her body and weight.
51. Mr. Baldoni and Mr. Heath failed to implement COVID protocols when there was
a COVID outbreak on set. Ms. Lively was told by another producer that because Wayfarer did not have insurance coverage for COVID, Mr. Baldoni and Mr. Heath deliberately withheld from Ms. Lively that she had been exposed to COVID. Both Ms. Lively and her infant child contracted COVID from the outbreak.

The full document is here if anyone wants to read it
35. On the day of shooting the scene in which Ms. Lively's character gives birth, Mr. Baldoni and Mr. Heath suddenly pressured Ms. Lively to simulate full nudity, despite no mention of nudity for this scene in the script, her contract, or in previous creative discussions. Mr. Baldoni insisted to Ms. Lively that women give birth naked, and that his wife had "ripped her clothes off" during labor. He claimed it was "not normal" for women to remain in their hospital gowns while giving birth. Ms. Lively disagreed, but felt forced into a compromise that she would be naked from below the chest down.
36. When the birth scene was filmed, the set was chaotic, crowded and utterly lacking in standard industry protections for filming nude scenes such as choregraphing the scene with an intimacy coordinator, having a signed nudity rider, or simply turning off the monitors so the scene was not broadcast to all crew on set (and on their personal phones and iPad). Mr. Heath and Mr. Baldoni also failed to close the set, allowing non-essential crew to pass through while Ms. Lively was mostly nude with her legs spread wide in stirrups and only a small piece of fabric covering her genitalia. Among the non-essential persons present that day was Wayfarer co-Chairman Mr. Sarowitz, who flew in for one of his few set visits. Ms. Lively was not provided with anything to cover herself with between takes until after she had made multiple requests. Ms. Lively became even more alarmed when Mr. Baldoni introduced his "best friend" to play the role of the OBGYN, when ordinarily, a small role of this nature would be filled by a local actor. Ms. Lively felt that the selection of Mr. Baldoni's friend for this intimate role, in which the actor's face and hands were in close proximity to her nearly nude genitalia for a birth scene, was invasive and humiliating.

38. Mr. Baldoni added a detailed scene to the Film in which the underage version of Ms. Lively's character, Lily, loses her virginity. In both the book and the script for the film, there was no sex scene; instead, the details about this moment were left to the audience's imagination. But Mr. Baldoni, added in considerable details, including both dialogue between Young Lily and her boyfriend (Atlas) about the loss of her virginity, as well as a simulated sex scene in which Mr. Baldoni filmed, and including his initial cut of the Film, a close up of Young Lily's face, accompanied by an audible gasp at the moment of penetration. Ms. Lively was informed that when this scene was shot, after Mr. Baldoni called "cut," he walked over to the actors and said, "I know I'm not supposed to say this, but that was hot," and,"did you two practice this before?"

31. Without these protections in place, Mr. Baldoni improvised physical intimacy that
had not been rehearsed, choreographed, or discussed with Ms. Lively, with no intimacy coordinator involved. For instance, Mr. Baldoni discreetly bit and sucked on Ms. Lively's lower lip during a scene in which he improvised numerous kisses on each take. Mr. Baldoni insisted on shooting the full scene over
and over again, well beyond what would have been required on an ordinary set, and without advance
notice or consent.
32. On another occasion, Mr. Baldoni and Ms. Lively were filming a slow dance scene
for a montage in which no sound was recorded. Mr. Baldoni chose to let the camera roll and have them perform the scene, but did not act in character as Ryle; instead, he spoke to Ms. Lively out of character as himself. At one point, he leaned forward and slowly dragged his lips from her ear and down her neck as he said, "it smells so good." None of this was remotely in character, or based on any dialogue in the script, and nothing needed to be said because, again, there was no sound —Mr. Baldoni was caressing Mr. Lively with his mouth in a way that had nothing to do with their roles. When Ms. Lively later objected to this
behavior, Ms. Baldoni's response was, "I'm not even attracted to you."
b. Mr. Baldoni inserted improvised gratuitous sexual content and/or scenes involving nudity into the film (including for an underage character) in highly unsettling ways.
33. After Ms. Lively signed onto the movie based on a draft of the script, Mr. Baldoni,
without Ms. Lively's knowledge or consent, personally added graphic content, including a scene in which Ms. Lively was to orgasm on-camera.
34. When Ms. Lively objected to these additions, Mr. Baldoni insisted he had added
them because he was making the Film "through the female gaze." Although he agreed to remove the scenes, he made a last-ditch attempt to keep one in which the couple orgasm together on their wedding night, which he said was important to him because he and his partner climax simultaneously during intercourse. Mr. Baldoni then intrusively asked Ms. Lively whether she and her husband climax simultaneously during intercourse, which Ms. Lively found invasive and refused to discuss.

46. While, on the one hand, Mr. Baldoni was objectifying Ms. Lively as a sex object,
on the other hand he went out of his way to message criticisms of her age and weight, neither of which she could change during filming. On the second day of filming, for example, Mr. Baldoni made the rest of the cast and crew wait for hours while he cried in Ms. Lively's dressing room, claiming social media
commentators were saying that Ms. Lively looked old and unattractive based on paparazzi photos from
the set. She tried to reassure him that she should look authentic in the scenes depicted in the photos, which
were just after her character had been abused by her fictional husband, rather than "hot" —Mr. Baldoni,
however, appeared focused on Ms. Lively's sexual appeal above all else. His lengthy outburst caused a delay in shooting, forcing an emotional scene to be shot haphazardly.

49. Mr. Baldoni also routinely degraded Ms. Lively by finding back channel ways of
criticizing her body and weight. A few weeks before filming began and less than four months after Ms. Lively had given birth to her fourth child, Ms. Lively was humiliated to learn that Mr. Baldoni secretly called her fitness trainer, without her knowledge or permission, and implied that he wanted her to lose
(' Ms. Lively was not given proper lactation breaks by Wayfarer during filming, which sometimes stretched into six hours without a break. When filming finally broke, Ms. Lively would have to run to her trailer to breastfeed. The lack of accommodation for her need to express milk caused her to develop painful mastitis.)
weight in two weeks. Mr. Baldoni told the trainer that he had asked because he was concerned about having to pick Ms. Lively up in a scene for the movie, but there was no such scene. '°
50. When Ms. Lively caught strep throat, Mr. Baldoni offered as a "gift" to connect her
with an expert he had on retainer to help her with probiotics and to combat the sickness. When Ms. Lively went to fill out the privacy forms, she saw the expert was not what Mr. Baldoni had represented her to be, but was instead a weight-loss specialist. Ms. Lively felt, once again, that Mr. Baldoni was shaming her for her body and weight.
51. Mr. Baldoni and Mr. Heath failed to implement COVID protocols when there was
a COVID outbreak on set. Ms. Lively was told by another producer that because Wayfarer did not have insurance coverage for COVID, Mr. Baldoni and Mr. Heath deliberately withheld from Ms. Lively that she had been exposed to COVID. Both Ms. Lively and her infant child contracted COVID from the outbreak.

The full document is here if anyone wants to read it
Thank you, that's above and beyond. You're very thoughtful.

The new Caroline Flack documentary will be interesting with her mother involved.

It's super weird how close Louise Teasdale is to Lottie Tomlinson.
I don't think it is. It just strikes me that they'd already decided Caroline was on the outer.

The new Caroline Flack documentary will be interesting with her mother involved.

It's super weird how close Louise Teasdale is to Lottie Tomlinson.

I read that Lottie had been Lou’s assistant when she was working with 1 Direction. She was their stylist or something. They knew each other really well years before Flack died.
Re Ryan Reynolds: didn’t Scarlett Johansson hint at control issues, or something like that, when they were married?

I don’t have time for him or Blake, they both seem insufferable - but that transcript above is absolutely horrendous.
If that’s the case then that man is truly vile.
That birth scene just gives me the ick. There was no need for her to be almost naked. I've been at a lot of births, and the majority of women are clothed.
What person gets their rocks off at someone giving birth? I felt so bloody vulnerable and my least attractive when I was giving birth. I was a hot mess (and not in the attractive sense of the word)
In a nearby town that I often drive through, there's an empty shop on the main road through the town where someone has, for reasons beyond me, put a life size cardboard cut out of Ainsley Harriot in the upstairs window.

It's been there for ages and it's become one of those random landmarks we look for whenever we drive past. I can't look at it without shuddering and saying "duck off Ainsley you perv" under my breath.

Yesterday, we were stopped at roadworks and I managed to get a quick snap, which I am now going to delete from my phone and then wash it in bleach.View attachment 3328446 qView attachment 3328447 q
Has anyone seen Ainsley outdoors recently?
I am obsessed with Grace Dent taking over on Masterchef. I love her. Her ep of Off Menu made me like her more than I did before. I'm a posh Scouser (comes from my dad too) also xx
Grace Dent is a middle class woman of a certain age, I wonder how Gregggg feels about her taking over his role? Oh dear, what a shame, never mind 💅

I like her too, she is kind and gives good feedback on Masterchef, she's a class act. I'm a Scouser too, not a posh one though! 😄
She's a middle class woman of a certain age, I wonder how Gregggg feels about her taking over his role? Oh dear, what a shame, never mind 💅

I like her too, she is kind and gives good feedback on Masterchef, she's a class act. I'm a Scouser too, not a posh one though! 😄
Oh, my Posh Scouser is purely from the fact my dad is from Liverpool and my mum is Welsh. I went to uni down South and was known as the Posh Scouser even though I'm absolutely North Wales.

On topic, sorry, I love Grace and I absolutely love she is the worst possible person in Greggggggg's opinion to take his role
Sorry for the terrible screenshot but I was reading the Daily Mail article about Strictly’s 20 year tribute and they mentioned the people who had passed. I recognised them all apart from this person?
Maybe her lip filler is pulling her top lip up to her nose?!

I was watching a make-up thingy on tik tok the other day and the girl put dark brown liner on and then a pale pink lipstick and I thought to myself in horror PLEASE don't tell me THAT absolute bullshit is coming back. I lived through that horror (never did it myself but saw enough of it) in the 90s, Jesus Christ
I was watching a make-up thingy on tik tok the other day and the girl put dark brown liner on and then a pale pink lipstick and I thought to myself in horror PLEASE don't tell me THAT absolute bullshit is coming back. I lived through that horror (never did it myself but saw enough of it) in the 90s, Jesus Christ
Oh yes, it’s coming back! All the makeup girlies are doing it on instagram and TikTok. I think it’s been renamed ‘beef lips’.