I’ve been a bit quieter lately because I am struggling. The stories this morning almost put me over the edge - I had to stop watching.
As a parent who has been at the hospital with my child for the last 8 months doing the best I can for him by myself because of restrictions in place to protect all the immunosuppressed kids in treatment, sleeping in chairs by his bedside or a small window bed if I’m lucky or curled up next to him in his bed when he asks me to, massively sleep deprived and have gone many nights without sleep or with very minimal, I’ve gone countless meals without food because some days you just don’t have a chance to eat and if you’re truly there for your child sometimes you don’t get a chance to go in search of food or drink because you have to wait until they’re asleep and by that time you’re so exhausted you just pass out too. You shower every second day because sometimes there’s just higher priorities. There’s no time for make up or skin care routines or sometimes even a change of clothes. You’re separated from your support network and family a large majority of the time because the risk is too high. You have to try and speak to doctors and nurses and answer their questions while your child is screaming in pain or vomiting non stop and you’re trying to make sure your child is okay and feels supported by you at the same time as you’re trying to navigate through the brain fog you have from lack of sleep to be able to advocate for your child. You spend your spare time trying to write down every question you can think to ask the doctors to make sure you’ve done everything you can for your child or you’re looking for information on clinical trials or doing online support groups or Telehealth appointments or you’re grieving for your child and the suffering they have to endure and the happy, healthy childhood they were robbed of and trying to think of every way you can possibly make their time in hospital have at least some moments of joy and happiness.
It literally made me cry angry tears at how insensitive she is to parents who have it far tougher than her and how much she just exudes self-absorbed entitlement and thinks the hospital and the staff owe her everything - a bed, wall paint to her liking, sunlight, conversation and connection to listen to her whinge and complain that she’s so hard done by. She’s been there 3 days. 3 days and all she’s done is show everyone how selfish she can be with barely any moments of love or concern for her child that don’t involve her level of discomfort or negativity about how she’s affected. She cries for herself … not her child, herself. And that says it all.