Sarah secrets blog

Back at the wedding venue for the weekend for their one month anniversary. FFS. She's so over the top in every single way. I know she's had a mini moon but I trust she has a big trip planned for the honeymoon,where's she going? I muted her for about 6months at the start of the year I'd say I missed the honeymoon details.
“Life of a housewife” keeping the dinner warm for the husband out training. For duck sake. She will need a baby on the way soon so she has something to post about. It must be difficult to come up with something to talk about online when you’re so shallow that your entire personality for the last while was just being a bride. Defo on a downer at the moment after the wedding because she’s not the centre of attention for something.
She just loves being the centre of attention. The definition of a bridezilla,her whole personality (as she said herself) was being a bride. And now I'm just a wife. Yeah that's right Sarah a wife,was that not the end goal of all the fuss. It's normal to be down for a few days but it must have been bad because she has mentioned it several times on Instagram (strangers on the internet). Its apparent it was all about the material things rather than actually becoming married to start the next chapter. I've never seen a bride that depressed afterwards before.
Well she.did live with him not like its a major surprise getting married being a bride it's the next step for most......she loved the self indulgence of getting married buying all tge new outfits for the hen,all the decor she loved the prep the build its just boxes of clutter...she said it herself they have so much stuff...after a wedding u realise u didn't need half the crap and now she has to sort through it as it has no purpose anymore.......joys of getting married but I don't know anyone who had as many hens as this one...or as many white outfits....
It's a Wonder she didn't have a content creator employed on the day.....
It's a Wonder she didn't have a content creator employed on the day.....

She actually did have a content creator employed on the day 🫢

She actually did have a content creator employed on the day 🫢

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Oh she did.....
I seen enough pics of her wedding .....
Just she didn't post during the day only after....whereas some of them with these content creator were posting during the 2 days....
I got married during the recession and people were on such tight budgets like people had tight budgets for flowers, favours thise kinda money wasnt there for nonsense things, now people have money for content creators, second dress, meal in venue night before for everyone,
Bridesmaid gifts of jo malone perfume, CT make up supplied to Bridesmaid, and really good jewellery....don't start me on the present for the bride from the groom, I've seen really expensive bags posted by photographers....people didn't bother with that and if they did was flowers and a a Bridesmaid got the jewellery and shoes to re wear...but I've been Bridesmaid before ears ago these gifts weren't a thing....
Sarah's wedding was that and probably alot alot more...
I'd be down and blue too if I was her....
2 weeks and she back at school she will do some wailing she very fond of herself..she will be fairly blue goung back to school...nothing like work, tea room, colleagues, boring lunch time to remind you your an ordinary person who has a job after her princess wedding....not to mention for her room of excitable kids after hols....