Sarah secrets blog

Is she too broke after the big wedding to afford her own synprove...on begging for it...tagged enough she needs to go on it suffering from poor gut health...go buy your own sarah with all your extra free time.
Would she not support local businesses rather than literally begging for freebies. Taking the council rates, commercial rents, wages, rising cost of raw materials and energy bills that coffee shops (or any local business) has to pay, asking for free stuff in this economy isn’t a good look. If she decided to get a coffee and a pastry on a regular basis in a local coffee shop and PAY for it in exchange for a table to lesson plan at or “work” on content you’d have a bit more respect for her. Go back to work Sarah and earn a honest living, there’s a national teaching shortage no bother getting a job.
Jesus she's insufferable. I was shocked she's taking career break. I thought between her and that other bore from Naas Niamh O Sullivan they'd be aiming for a honeymoon baby to stay relevant and complete the Stepford wife life.
Not sure what to make of that reel, dancing around, doing nothing on her career break...I doubt she is getting major work from brands...she is subbing....I'd say she defo go back after a year.....
The whole influencer thing is very saturated..doubt she earning an income from it...maybe she is...