Sarah secrets blog

This one just gets sadder by the day. She’s so unbelievably boring and desperate. Hey follow numbers are so low considering what a try hard she is having taken a year off work to make it as an instagrammer. I’m wondering will there ever come a day when she isn’t ‘looking back’ on the best day of her life or referring to brides and weddings??? She just doesn’t have any other content…
Also, buy a reusable cup Sarah…it’s not cool to constantly put up your non-recyclable coffee cup. What a dope…
Also…I have a theory on the change of address. I bet they are moving out of the house to rent it out while they go traveling/move in with her parents until she’s back getting paid again! I would imagine they want to rent the house from January…
Yikes... she's looking a little rough. Too many "aesthetics" treatments?


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