I have similar thoughts re. the theory that she killed babies because she didn’t have one herself. I wouldn’t expect a woman of her age, who was apparently focusing on her career, to even be thinking about having kids let alone feeling bitter that she didn’t have any. Again, grasping at straws for any sort of simple explanation.
she was a little odd and immature though… and looking at her notes to herself it’s like she resigned herself to never having them.
I know it’s not hugely extraordinary to not have a serious relationship by mid 20s. I didn’t even kiss a guy until my late teens. I didn’t meet my current OH until I was 26.
but… Lucy was SO immature and SO connected to her parents. Her bedroom and her furnishings were so odd.
I’d argue that to have *zero* relationship experience at all in your mid 20s is unusual. Statistically, most people have had at least one partner or dated by that point. I don’t think Lucy had at all. Maybe if she’d been a regular person and had more time to form relationships she’d have gotten there in the end but… there are strong hints of narcissicism with Letby, which makes me think she was never likely to be able to form a lasting relationship with someone and probably was aware herself that something was “off” about her.
I lived with a girl who was most definitely not a serial killer and I don’t think she was a narcissist at all. But she was an only child born to parents who were older and in their 40s. She was… bizarrely close to them. Beyond what was normal in someone’s 20s. They were incredibly overprotective of her, to her detriment. She was very immature. She is in her 30s now and has never had a boyfriend, not even dated someone. When I lived with her we were in our mid 20s and I genuinely think she had a sense that, that type of conventional life wasn’t going to be on the cards for her (maybe without realising why). I really suspect that there was an element of that with Letby and I think that jealousy did come through.
mostly though, I think she has zero empathy and didn’t see those babies as human. I don’t think she felt anything regarding the grief of the families or her colleagues. I think it was all a big dramatic game to her, a secret only she knew, a way to have power over others (maybe in contrast to the guilt and helplessness she felt being so tied to her parents?) a way to feel superior.
I don’t think we’ll ever understand Lucy Letby. She’s such an outlier from the norm, there’s very little to go on.