RawBeautyKristi #2 My life's a mess, sponsored by Hello Fresh

I think we all knew she wouldn’t manage to upload every day. She’s used her kid being ill as an excuse and now she’s at the doctors so that will be the next few days excuse. Maybe I don’t understand how content creation works but if I planned to do a video every day I would be pre planning, filming and editing so I was only doing the upload. I wouldn’t be starting a video from scratch every day, surely?
I mean this in the nicest way possible, but Kristi should have never gotten into money via the internet. She comes off as a person who could have lived their whole life in a small town somewhere that has one grocery store, 1500 residents, and she'd be happy. She's like a crack addict seeking out attention on the internet. It's literally ruined her mental health and, I would argue, the trajectory of her life.
So… Kristi thought it would be a good idea to discuss “infertility awareness” by:
  1. Flaunting her child in a slideshow and talking about how happy she is with her kid.
  2. Giving people false hope by saying “miracles do happen.”
What an idiot. Truly. She’s such a narcissist, too.

Watching the way she talks and moves in that wedding prep video, her head pain cannot be THAT bad surely..?? She's animated, having a bit of a laugh, talking daft to the cat and putting on silly voices. Surely if you feel like your head has been smacked with a baseball bat and have nerve pain, you'd struggle to get out of bed let alone set up a whole wedding and seemingly enjoy it..

I had a very standard migraine the other week. Not something I suffer with, only ever had one previously in my life, so granted it's not something I have gotten "used to" in any way. But I couldn't lift my head off a pillow. I was trying to take care of my 6 month old at the same time and it was honestly the hardest day I've ever had as a parent. I physically could not be my usual playful, silly self with her.
Watching the way she talks and moves in that wedding prep video, her head pain cannot be THAT bad surely..?? She's animated, having a bit of a laugh, talking daft to the cat and putting on silly voices. Surely if you feel like your head has been smacked with a baseball bat and have nerve pain, you'd struggle to get out of bed let alone set up a whole wedding and seemingly enjoy it..

I had a very standard migraine the other week. Not something I suffer with, only ever had one previously in my life, so granted it's not something I have gotten "used to" in any way. But I couldn't lift my head off a pillow. I was trying to take care of my 6 month old at the same time and it was honestly the hardest day I've ever had as a parent. I physically could not be my usual playful, silly self with her.

I thought the EXACT same thing! There's no way her headache/other symptoms were that bad.

I also think it's such a narcissist move to make her sister's wedding about HER. It's all about HER stress, HER property, HER pain, etc. :rolleyes:
This is also self-created drama....she agreed to have a wedding on her property...she could've declined.
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