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The Times just did a whole interview with that one - Ballerina Farm. It's behind a paywall but I've seen exceprts and it's sad as hell. The woman was a talented ballerina who studied at Juilliard but was Mormon-brainwashed enough to do what she was told by her future owner, sorry, fiance, and drop out and have six children, each one nine months apart (yes, we know what that means and her husband brags about it). The husband sits in on the interview and answers for her all the time. doesn;'t want her to have any adult women around (obviously because she might find support in them). Mentions she sometimes spends a week in bed, exhausted (hey ho clinical depression), but being a pathetic baby machine and content creator stuck in isolated rural mudville playing cow-poke tradwife to hoik more bleeping money into her husband's accounts is clearly so so so fulfilling.
There's a but where he gives her a present and she hopes its tickets to a city in Europe for a romantic break, when she opens it it's a bleeping APRON. He smirks, she's crushed.
There's nothing actually 'traditional' about this ultra bollocks, this nuclear family breeding fetish, it's Mormonism, grinning misogyny and associated cretinous US fundie Christian nuttery on steroids for views and cash. Kristy is a bleeping moron for getting in with this crowd in any way.
I went through a rabbit hole yesterday on TikTok about this and feel sorry for her. Her life is my idea of hell