Hey - little bit off-topic given current discussions. If you haven't already, download the Biscuit app. It basically pays you to walk your dog.
All you do is start the app before your walk and remember to finish it when you get back - or if you're like me half a day later
It only requires you to walk your dog 3 times a week to get 50 "biscuits", each walk you receive 25 "biscuits". I am currently sitting at 40 minutes walking, but this can be split however you want. One big walk, or smaller shorter walks.
You get bonus points for putting in their vaccination details, flea and worm treatments etc. These biscuits earn you points that can be used to buy vouchers for the likes of Tesco, Amazon or even conservation donations.
I've attached the link to the website for you to check it out -
Biscuit | Get rewarded for walking your dog | Biscuit (biscuitpetcare.com)
I am in no way affiliated with the app, I know the above probably sounds like it. Just thought some of you might find it useful. Quite good if it's getting to the end of the month and things are a bit tight. A friend done all their shopping for Christmas dinner using all the points they'd earned!