The Popsy group has the best example of an online version of Munchausen’s by Proxy I’ve seen since the Lockets days, but with oversharing of real symptoms other people are dealing with rather than making it up. “I need all of the attention and do nothing that will get me it, so listen to all the things wrong with my husband and kids”. I’ve been reading through this rare disease thing yesterday and today, it’s a picking ground for any of the 52k just looking for vulnerabilities so they can scam people, and the group do, and say nothing. If you wanted an ‘in’ to start scamming someone, it’s right there for you. I don’t doubt it’s stressful having hospital appointments and managing all of that, but there’s something there deeper rooted and if they didn’t have this condition, she would find something else to make her the hero Mum, bullying or something like that. She did exactly the same on the Lockets group. She had such a stressful and day the other day when she woke up spend the day with a friend who surprised her with afternoon tea. Her head would fall off if she had to deal with actually working every day in a demanding job. I think she’s probably the most unwell person in her family, she makes me angry with all the personal info she throws out there but I actually feel sorry for her, to need validation from a group of strangers (and that’s what they mostly are) must be horrible.