'Pixi The Crap Goth' On the beg

She angers me when she rebuffs people's kind words of sympathy (on videos she states she wants to tell people to 'f**k off') - but, she's more than happy to receive gifts/tat/dolls etc :mad:
Yep…all that money the public donated, which the doll maker then changed from funeral costs to the family’s wants/needs then coming before eventually setting up a foundation.

So she’s spending on a car/dolls/dog/garden…but won’t prioritise paying for private grief counselling for her child!

Whatever she claims, I don’t believe. She’s clearly taken issue in the past with mental health provision generally for her family so likely is claiming whatever is on offer isn’t good enough. Maybe that’s why it’s a 6 month wait…she’s not accepting the first offer of help.

Her daughter isn’t lying in bed sobbing all day, she’s at school, and making tasting videos for YouTube. Although distress from grief can be hidden, if it was severe, she would be prioritised by the school and NHS.

this is going to sound very harsh…but sod it…while Kori was alive Pixi prioritised him (her claims), she spent all day and night looking after him, went away to the hospice and stayed with him etc. Her daughter barely got a look-in, plus seeing as she can’t leave the house alone and had Kori…she likely never did the school run or other normal motherly tasks. Whenever she had free time she was planning her YouTube future or playing with her dolls. So…after his death, in theory, this is when things should improve for the youngest child, her mother, who is unemployed, could be giving her full attention, doing all the school runs, ensuring that she has understood grief as well. Pixi has literally nothing else to do with her time now apart from care for her youngest daughter. She should be getting more attention and love now than ever before. She’s also young enough that she should be able to be supported in her understanding so that the impact of grief can be lessened. I generally got the impression that Kori wasn’t close to his sister generally from their YouTube videos, for someone who barely leaves the house…his sister should be his best friend, yet I got the impression the two of them weren’t that interested in each other. Probably because Kori was Pixi’s responsibility and the younger child was the father’s responsibility. Everything kept quite separate. I imagine she is very close to her father.

The days following Kori’s death show Pixi’s priorities. She chose to spend 5 days next to a dead body rather than prioritise her living child’s needs. Was the big funeral, with a parade through the town…the correct thing for her young daughter…or was it all just what Pixi wanted?

Of course, as I’ve never been in that situation, I don’t know how someone normally reacts…but my natural instinct i think would be to spend as much time as possible with the living child supporting them and also to arrange the funeral for whatever is best for the living child.

Presumably as well, as Kori was in palliative care and the family were very open about the subject…the younger daughter would have been prepped in advance to give her an age-appropriate understanding. So, it shouldn’t have been a shock to her, but the kind of grief that is more like a release.

If she is struggling now…possibly it’s because Pixi is still behaving as if Kori is still alive in some respects by keeping his bedroom as a shrine and making videos for his channel, buying him birthday presents and putting his face on cushions etc. Plus the persistent visits to the graveyard to adorn his gravesite with tat. Maybe even though he is now dead she is still playing second fiddle. If that is happening, she has no chance of winning her mother’s affections from Kori, you can’t complete with the dead, she will over time make him into more and more of a saint and something the younger child struggles to live up to.
2k people have unsubbed from Kori's channel in the last 30 days. Pixi had a few subscribers gained when she announced Kori's death.....but, has since lost the same amount. They're dropping off slowly at around 200 per month. Pixi is deluded if she thinks she will get 100k subscribers - even though she states it was Kori's last wish. I predict in future that Pixi will move to the Kraken the Box channel - but, the views are poor over there too.

I spotted a crafty move a couple of weeks ago. Pixi unboxed a mini kit (diorama) that she'd been sent and assembled it on camera. She stated that she wanted to collect all 18 kits which go together to make a shopping mall but, she 'can't afford to'. I sat there fuming that she had nearly £60,000 donated and she can't afford £30 for these kits from TEMU. In the comments she states that she filmed the video when Kori was alive....so, why didn't she edit out the 'I can't afford it' part?........She's replacing Kori with all the plastic tat/toys instead of being present for her youngest daughter??? There are families out there who can't have children at all - Pixi still has TWO daughters

I did some research about grief counselling for children and it tends to start at around 8 - 9 years old ...According to research, younger children don't have a true concept of grief until they're older. My father in law passed away in 2006 - my daughter was 5 and my son 2 and a half. We went up to visit 2-3 times a week but, my children have no memory of him at all - which is incredibly sad

@Eye_Spy - Pixi wanted the big pirate funeral in the hopes that Johnny Depp would show. I truly believe Pixi was hoping he'd turn up dressed as Jack Sparrow ...and lead the procession. They got a 'look alike' instead. It was no coincidence that Pixi wanted to send JD a blanket in the days following Kori's death. She had her US based friends reaching out to his team and no one got back to them. Pixi wanted the blanket (full of photos of JD's fans) to be hand delivered to him. He was off on the European tour and heading straight to the states. I believe he only shows up to funerals of friends and family. Pixi also initially kept the funeral venue; date and time private until one of her faithful followers said 'what if Johnny and his team are looking on the fb group for the date time of Kori's funeral'??...All of a sudden, the details were made public ..... :rolleyes:
I also hate the way she says 'chi - uld' - instead of child.......it grates on me.......
If you look at the viewcount on her latest videos, the one by far which outstrips the rest is where she a present of a handmade pen. This even far outstrips the new puppy.

It was from a law-tube guy who followed the Johnny Depp trial. Her followers came to her via the Depp connection, and that viewcount proves that mainly they are really there for anything that connects back to him…however tenuously.

The problem she has getting views is that she has an audience of Depp fans/lawtube fans and she is making videos about children’s toys. She’s onto a losing battle…the more she posts, the more people are going to unsubscribe. The same with Kori’s channel, the majority of subscribers did it to help him get the silver play button as an act of kindness…they didn’t actually have an interest in watching his videos…if she doesn’t upload to his channel his sub count might not drop…but if she does it’s likely to drop each time she posts, because people will find it irritating.

Same with her channel, either Depp fans came, or an initial surge from people wanting to know about child loss. Now each time she posts she draws attention to herself being a grifter, extremely childish, lazy and a waste of space. Sitting there in a onesie in the middle of the day when you have a child to take to school and be responsible, plus continually spending money on tat/luxury’s without doing anything to earn the money for will wear thin eventually for even the most sympathetic subscribers.

I think she is not appreciating that a lot of her subscribers are American, a culture where a woman gets only 2 weeks maternity, people only get 2 weeks annual leave etc and have a general culture of working and not living off benefits, even during times of grief or family crisis. Now that she doesn’t have a terminally ill child to care for and clearly isn’t bedridden herself, the American audience will become less and less willing to help fund her or send her gifts.
@Eye_Spy - She would be better becoming a mum vlogger showing food shopping hauls/cooking/home decor/how to start with raising chickens/bees - she obviously has some knowledge in these areas
I agree, seeing as she doesn’t work, vlogs as a simple homemaker etc would at least give her some real content. I can’t imagine there is much call for woman in their 40s playing with toys meant for 5 year olds…plus she wants most of it gifted as well. Reusing or ways to save money in cost of living crisis also would go well for her if she showed some genuine tips, or simple crafts to achieve it. She could copy ideas from other channels as long as she didn’t steal anything too unique in nature.

They already had 2 dogs, one was her ‘therapy/assistance’ dog and the other was either another therapy dog for Kori or a family pet. Either way. You barely see either of them…and now she has a third as a puppy. I suspect the puppy was bought as a desperate attempt to create content as she has said herself she will be filming it a lot.
Pixi has bought a chihuahua and has added dog accessories to Kori's wishlist as well as stuff for her husband's warhammer figures!!!!.........and is still begging for items for her two daughters :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlis...h2y-peLGTVMHgTvmPEwd3ysILzjWKkprV8y_tUJTjuNXs
I agree, seeing as she doesn’t work, vlogs as a simple homemaker etc would at least give her some real content. I can’t imagine there is much call for woman in their 40s playing with toys meant for 5 year olds…plus she wants most of it gifted as well. Reusing or ways to save money in cost of living crisis also would go well for her if she showed some genuine tips, or simple crafts to achieve it. She could copy ideas from other channels as long as she didn’t steal anything too unique in nature.

They already had 2 dogs, one was her ‘therapy/assistance’ dog and the other was either another therapy dog for Kori or a family pet. Either way. You barely see either of them…and now she has a third as a puppy. I suspect the puppy was bought as a desperate attempt to create content as she has said herself she will be filming it a lot.
'Therapy dog' - that Pixi trained herself.......so, is not technically a therapy dog......she lies frequently......
Crikey - is she insinuating that she knows JD personally and knows where JD lives and is respecting his privacy? 😂

Hey you lovely lot...so a heads up.
There are ALOT of us who are fans/supporters of Johnny Depp here.
As most of you know, he has played a big part in my family on a personal level....and for that reason, I also respect his privacy and his right to move on with his life.
I love you all, you are amazing, but any posts regarding the AH trial, any information about him buying properties in the UK for a 'quiet life', I won't post.
If he wants a quiet life, I won't be part of spreading locations of where he may be. Otherwise, that's adding to his privacy being breached.
I will ALWAYS support and love the Depp family/community but I don't post gossip and things xx
Any funny memes, pirate related things and things to do with Kori, I will though x
AH stuff is off the table xx

I think we all know he's got quite an impressive property portfolio and he loves Somerset so much, he has a manor house and has bought a pub there. He also has a house in Sussex.........a village in France......a tropical island somewhere and five houses in LA........but, he seems to live a nomadic existence
Why would ANYONE have been expecting her to be posting out info about JD’s living arrangements in the first place? Plus Pixi has never shown any interest in the trial situation generally, so why would anyone expect her to now?

My understanding is that the media have run clickbait random stories, many of which aren’t necessarily based on anything other than a stray estate agent or local claiming something anonymously for a small tip-off fee. It’s known from a quote from an antiques centre he visited that he bought a house in London (or possibly nearby) last year…they would know…they would have needed an address to deliver his purchases to. Aside from that…I suspect the other stories about his UK property portfolio are largely false, or about properties he has since sold. Regardless, he defiantly moves around the globe a lot, any would-be stalker would rack up the airmails. Whatever his London house is…it’s going to have good privacy and security arrangements, like everywhere else he purchases.

The idea that Pixi knows any of his property addresses that aren’t public, or she even knows which country he is in before he’s spotted and it’s shown online by anyone else is a big reach.

What she HAS DONE, is to strike up an attempt at a continuous link to him. A while ago I found her Facebook which had a public friends list. On there she had added the employee of JD’s who was her contact for the make-a-wish arrangements. I expect the obvious way she would get a physical contact address would have been to have said Kori wanted to send a thank you letter to JD. She had an address when she sent a blanket to him off his birthday (not her present, another fan who said that Pixi had an ‘intermediary address’ that she couldn’t give out, meaning she NEVER had a direct address for JD).

This address is either going to be the uk production company or a PO Box serving it, or the home address of that employee. If she contacts that employee too often or makes a nuisance or herself, contact will be cut…it was a contact made by that employee for make a wish and it surely would have been Pixi pushing it over to facebook. Employees will be under strict confidentially contracts for location security.

I THINK what Pixi is actually doing with this random statement about JD/AH….is trying to get their names on her posts/timeline etc to keep herself relevant to JD fans. She admits her subscriber count is dropping…they are nearly ALL JD fans…trying to make people think she has a tenuous link to him, even by claiming she won’t give out any information…is a ploy to keep the attention of his fans on herself.

Its quite a bizarre turn of events really to begin with…that fans of a Hollywood movie star captivated by the biggest public trial since OJ Simpson…have subsequently ended up being led by him into watching videos of a scruffy middle aged English benefits scrounger playing with toys designed for 5 year olds.

I was one of those led to her via that route…but my spidey-senses went up on her being a grifter within the first couple of videos. I continued watching purely to see how that developed (and I was right!). I am shocked though at how few people have also noticed.
Why would ANYONE have been expecting her to be posting out info about JD’s living arrangements in the first place? Plus Pixi has never shown any interest in the trial situation generally, so why would anyone expect her to now?

My understanding is that the media have run clickbait random stories, many of which aren’t necessarily based on anything other than a stray estate agent or local claiming something anonymously for a small tip-off fee. It’s known from a quote from an antiques centre he visited that he bought a house in London (or possibly nearby) last year…they would know…they would have needed an address to deliver his purchases to. Aside from that…I suspect the other stories about his UK property portfolio are largely false, or about properties he has since sold. Regardless, he defiantly moves around the globe a lot, any would-be stalker would rack up the airmails. Whatever his London house is…it’s going to have good privacy and security arrangements, like everywhere else he purchases.

The idea that Pixi knows any of his property addresses that aren’t public, or she even knows which country he is in before he’s spotted and it’s shown online by anyone else is a big reach.

What she HAS DONE, is to strike up an attempt at a continuous link to him. A while ago I found her Facebook which had a public friends list. On there she had added the employee of JD’s who was her contact for the make-a-wish arrangements. I expect the obvious way she would get a physical contact address would have been to have said Kori wanted to send a thank you letter to JD. She had an address when she sent a blanket to him off his birthday (not her present, another fan who said that Pixi had an ‘intermediary address’ that she couldn’t give out, meaning she NEVER had a direct address for JD).

This address is either going to be the uk production company or a PO Box serving it, or the home address of that employee. If she contacts that employee too often or makes a nuisance or herself, contact will be cut…it was a contact made by that employee for make a wish and it surely would have been Pixi pushing it over to facebook. Employees will be under strict confidentially contracts for location security.

I THINK what Pixi is actually doing with this random statement about JD/AH….is trying to get their names on her posts/timeline etc to keep herself relevant to JD fans. She admits her subscriber count is dropping…they are nearly ALL JD fans…trying to make people think she has a tenuous link to him, even by claiming she won’t give out any information…is a ploy to keep the attention of his fans on herself.

Its quite a bizarre turn of events really to begin with…that fans of a Hollywood movie star captivated by the biggest public trial since OJ Simpson…have subsequently ended up being led by him into watching videos of a scruffy middle aged English benefits scrounger playing with toys designed for 5 year olds.

I was one of those led to her via that route…but my spidey-senses went up on her being a grifter within the first couple of videos. I continued watching purely to see how that developed (and I was right!). I am shocked though at how few people have also noticed.
99% of her followers are from the US and don't know of her grifting ways. Another thing that annoys me is that she'll say 'my son has a youtube channel for unboxings and you can buy him things from his wishlist'.......like he's still here. People might argue that they are older videos taken when he was alive but, it's bull........she only had the buttercup's tattoo on the left side of her face after Kori passed away...and the tattoo is visible in the last few uploads. She also makes the excuse that she talks about him in the present tense because, in her words...'he hasn't left' her. I think it's to carry on grifting........
I really don’t get the people sending her presents. She’s clearly already got a houseful of almost identical tat. Unboxing is just opening something and saying they like it whatever the hell it is, it’s not a quality or value review. She’s not even unboxing products where the packaging may be of interest (like if you order a particular tv off Amazon you might like to see an unboxing to see the packing standard is adequate for transit). She’s not even zooming the camera in or taking different angles…it’s just open it and toss it aside while mentioning all the other tat she wished people would also buy her.

Do people get some kind of gratification from watching the tat they’ve sent being verified by her as being safely received?
Pixi is off to the psychiatric unit - this is the same Pixi that complains about lack of mental health help. She says she's been in many times - then forgets herself and says the last time she was in there was 9 years ago. She says she's been trying to stay strong for 6 months and she's tried many different medications and distractions but, nothing is helping. Then she corrects herself and says unboxings have been keeping her going........

I think this admission is due to the fact she let slip that she's claiming PIP......and now she has to prove that she's mentally unstable, in case the DWP are watching. The timing is a bit too convenient
  • Preparing food and cooking
  • Eating food or drinking
  • Managing therapy or monitoring a health condition
  • Taking medication
  • Washing and bathing
  • Managing toilet needs or incontinence
  • Dressing and undressing
  • Communicating verbally
  • Reading and understanding signs, symbols and words
  • Socialising with other people
  • Deciding about your money and budget.
  • Plan and follow journeys
  • Move around

  • I’m struggling to see how Pixi would score a SINGLE POINT under any of the categories above…to score enough to get PIP for a mental health condition it needs to be severe enough to seriously limit normal daily activities. This women can communicate effectively, care for children, drive, walk the dog etc. She can do all that without even taking a basic antidepressant and while grieving the loss of a child. She’s also ‘motivated’ because she continually makes YouTube videos etc and shows herself getting excited over new toys, she’s not bedridden with depression or anxiety

    She also was a carer for another person who had PIP (Kori), while also claiming it herself. So how could she care for all his needs, including all his hospital visits and the communication and organisational that entails, plus dealing with all his medications for him…if she is so disabled herself that she can’t rely on her own mental health to get herself of bed, dressed and fed
By revealing all this on YouTube, I think she’s actually at risk of being caught for benefit fraud! This ‘carer’ she claims comes in every morning to help her get dressed (what a joke!), must know she is faking…I guess it doesn’t get reported because it’s such an easy job and the carer doesn’t want to work either.
  • Preparing food and cooking
  • Eating food or drinking
  • Managing therapy or monitoring a health condition
  • Taking medication
  • Washing and bathing
  • Managing toilet needs or incontinence
  • Dressing and undressing
  • Communicating verbally
  • Reading and understanding signs, symbols and words
  • Socialising with other people
  • Deciding about your money and budget.
  • Plan and follow journeys
  • Move around

  • I’m struggling to see how Pixi would score a SINGLE POINT under any of the categories above…to score enough to get PIP for a mental health condition it needs to be severe enough to seriously limit normal daily activities. This women can communicate effectively, care for children, drive, walk the dog etc. She can do all that without even taking a basic antidepressant and while grieving the loss of a child. She’s also ‘motivated’ because she continually makes YouTube videos etc and shows herself getting excited over new toys, she’s not bedridden with depression or anxiety

    She also was a carer for another person who had PIP (Kori), while also claiming it herself. So how could she care for all his needs, including all his hospital visits and the communication and organisational that entails, plus dealing with all his medications for him…if she is so disabled herself that she can’t rely on her own mental health to get herself of bed, dressed and fed
By revealing all this on YouTube, I think she’s actually at risk of being caught for benefit fraud! This ‘carer’ she claims comes in every morning to help her get dressed (what a joke!), must know she is faking…I guess it doesn’t get reported because it’s such an easy job and the carer doesn’t want to work either.

I've never seen her dressed - she's always in grotty pyjamas and seriously needs a wash
I think that’s just laziness, if she wants to go to the shops or the park she has no problem dressing to leave the house. When I’m home all day I will sometimes wear pyjamas or tracksuit etc…in winter to keep the heating costs down low. I don’t think dressing scruffy at home is sign of anything…just that most people wouldn’t film themselves like it and put it on the internet.

no idea how much she washes…apparently the carer comes in every day…so if she’s not clean then that person isn’t doing their job. Also, her pink hair doesn’t tend to get to a point of having very long natural roots…so although she is scruffy, she does seem to take pride in that hairstyle and is dying her hair regularly. That it itself is a red flag for the PIP claim. If she can’t look after her basic needs such as dressing and washing without a paid carer…how is she either dying her own hair or arranging, keeping appointments, or organising payment etc for her hairdressing. Even when Kori was seriously ill…she still did it’s let those roots grow long. Same with her tattoos, she’s got new ones recently…how is is visiting a tattoo parlour, or arranging home visits and making permanent decisions about her appearance…while also claiming to the benefits office that she is incapable of washing herself!

I am wondering…if the psych ward thing is a ploy? Unless there have been suicide attempts or some very serious incident…do they really just admit someone who is not in any obvious danger? I would have thought that they would push her down less expensive routes such as CBT and pills. If she’s claiming she doesn’t needs those things, but also claiming she is safe to parent a child…I don’t know why they would think she needs inpatient treatment.

I’m thinking it might be a ploy to give her a break from YouTube because the gifts aren’t coming in fast enough for unboxing, she’s running out of ideas, and she’s losing followers. I think it could be a tactic to take a break, come up with some ideas or content, and try to reignite interest in her channel. She can also push the mental health narrative further with a claim of inpatient treatment. It won’t take much research to make some basic claims about being on an NHS ward etc.
I think that’s just laziness, if she wants to go to the shops or the park she has no problem dressing to leave the house. When I’m home all day I will sometimes wear pyjamas or tracksuit etc…in winter to keep the heating costs down low. I don’t think dressing scruffy at home is sign of anything…just that most people wouldn’t film themselves like it and put it on the internet.

no idea how much she washes…apparently the carer comes in every day…so if she’s not clean then that person isn’t doing their job. Also, her pink hair doesn’t tend to get to a point of having very long natural roots…so although she is scruffy, she does seem to take pride in that hairstyle and is dying her hair regularly. That it itself is a red flag for the PIP claim. If she can’t look after her basic needs such as dressing and washing without a paid carer…how is she either dying her own hair or arranging, keeping appointments, or organising payment etc for her hairdressing. Even when Kori was seriously ill…she still did it’s let those roots grow long. Same with her tattoos, she’s got new ones recently…how is is visiting a tattoo parlour, or arranging home visits and making permanent decisions about her appearance…while also claiming to the benefits office that she is incapable of washing herself!

I am wondering…if the psych ward thing is a ploy? Unless there have been suicide attempts or some very serious incident…do they really just admit someone who is not in any obvious danger? I would have thought that they would push her down less expensive routes such as CBT and pills. If she’s claiming she doesn’t needs those things, but also claiming she is safe to parent a child…I don’t know why they would think she needs inpatient treatment.

I’m thinking it might be a ploy to give her a break from YouTube because the gifts aren’t coming in fast enough for unboxing, she’s running out of ideas, and she’s losing followers. I think it could be a tactic to take a break, come up with some ideas or content, and try to reignite interest in her channel. She can also push the mental health narrative further with a claim of inpatient treatment. It won’t take much research to make some basic claims about being on an NHS ward etc.

One of my old schoolfriends, woke up two years ago, to find that her husband of 25 years had passed away in bed beside her. She was understandably in shock as he'd never been ill (the coroner ruled that it must've been a cardiac arrhythmia)....After his funeral a couple of weeks later, she drove to the M1 and was going to jump. Other motorists stopped and the police were called. She was admitted to a psychiatric unit. She was there for 12 weeks. She did eventually contact us all but, it was weeks into her treatment. She was unable to function adequately for around three weeks. It's surprised me that Pixi managed to film and upload to youtube about going in to the psyche unit - if she was having a mental health crisis

She's posted this today:

"Yes, I am sat in a psych unit, about to colour in a cute as fook play set aimed at toddlers...do I care? Nope!
I love this stuff!!
*EDIT* Turns out I'm NOT allowed certain types of felt tip pens in here (or sharpies, or fine liners), so this is now on hold.
Instead I'm doing my first ever diamond painting.... because metal stabby objects that look like pens...are allowed! .. go figure.
Turns out, I actually REALLY like diamond art!! Who knew!!??"


"Well...on the bright side, they must love me in here as they want to keep me!!
Tried to promote my YT channel during a professional meeting with like 6 doctors, psychiatrists etc but they seemed more into giving me anti psychotics and an extended stay.
I attended the meeting in true 'crap goth style, in a pink Hello Kitty onesie.
It's what I wore to the BBC award ceremony so I thought it appropriate attire for psychiatric assessment.
Should be home for next week, luckily I have videos in YouTube studio, stored up so they can continue and when I get home, I will make a video as to what life is REALLY like in a psych unit here.
Still want a pink straight jacket!!
SO wish I had my old doll now as she was in a straight jacket and I'd have had her on my desk here!
(Living dead doll 'Sybil')
Just a few pics of my 'room' and visiting with John and Ostarra (they brought spooky too) x
If I didn't have arts and crafts, I'd be lost, so THANKYOU for the gifts previously that I've brought with me) x"

.......she's treating it like a holiday!!! As I am a retired RGN, I trained in all different health care settings - I've never known anyone to stay in for a few days, like Pixi is stating - especially if they're adjusting medication.........this is purely a stunt imo
I worked long hours in jobs I hated for 25 years. I’ve paid all the taxes and council tax etc. about the only thing I’ve had off the government specifically for me is the occasional gp appt…which take about a month each time to request. Never been entitled to any benefits, left the education system at 16 and straight into work, no career funding , just graft. Never even had a free bus ticket.

I then bought some buy to let properties when prices were lower, got a passive income that is about half what my salary was. Built back my savings, then ‘retired’ mid-forties with my only work now being a few hours here and there for the properties.

Why I am telling you all this random unwanted info? Because it people like Pixi who boiled my piss so badly that I decided that spending 60 hrs a week working/commuting continually stressed and the rest of the time stressed about the job when I wasn’t even there…just to pay for other people to rinse the system.

Many people in my situation don’t get a plan together to exit. They end up in a job they hate/constantly stressed over work, job security, money etc…they pay their council taxes thousand £ year after year and when they call the council once in 20 years to there is a rat infestation nearby their home the council say they don’t have the staff to deal with it. When they want to extend their home the council charge them for a planning application refusing to give free advice beforehand and then refuse it.

pixi is a complete drain on society. She choose to intentionally go through with a pregnancy after being told by a doctor the child would spend their whole life suffering and it was cruel. What has been described by her in terms of Kori’s medical care probably comes to £1m. She’s been claiming PIP for him and herself, a car for him, and who knows what else. Benefits cap doesn’t apply when disabled. With Kori it could have been £20-30k a year just cash passed to her in benefits. Now she has to hold onto her own benefits harder. Maybe she needs it for more state funded tattoos. Her daughter also has free schooling and healthcare, yet nothing offered is good enough for her standards.

So what does she do? She needs a big fuss, lots of evidence for if the DWP come calling. So she’s draining the system even more. She’s calling the ambulances out constantly claiming severe asthma. She’s calling mental health crisis constantly claiming all sorts of craziness.

It’s so OBVIOUS she’s faking, she doesn’t even appear to be suffering to the extent you would expect a healthy person to after child loss. She’s worried her daughter isn’t getting support…yet is happy to leave her at home. The last video…she started it all jolly and doing the channel intro…then switched to her ‘sad face’ to discuss mental health. It’s also bizarre that someone would so happily go into the psych ward voluntarily when she describes that last time there were violent patients etc. It’s all creating a paper trail to ward off loss of benefits.

But how she can be so brazen gloating about treating hospital care that the rest of us are paying for like a hotel stay is beyond belief!

Honestly I don’t work now, still have to pay some tax, but not as much. It’s Pixi and many others like her that turned me into this…for me working to fund other people, who either don’t need it or create their own mess, and getting nothing back just seems like a massive scam. The insane thing is that the government seem to endorse it.

Pixi should be off most of the benefits, she should be on job seekers allowance only, and because she hasn’t worked for years (or maybe ever), she should be getting special ‘job club’ type support to prepare her for the workplace. She should be required to do voluntary work as well to help prepare her. Her child is at school all day, there is no reason this woman can’t at least work part-time doing something basic. She’s shown via YouTube and her care for Kori that she isn’t significantly disabled in any way.

with her experience with Kori, looking after him 24/7…surely she could easily transfer that skill and train for care home work?

I’m ranting…but this woman!!!!
I love how she is freely ADMITTING that she is purposely dressing herself for psychiatric assessment to ensure she looks as crazy as possible!
Why would doctors be interested in her love of receiving children’s toys as gifts from random people in the USA? It’s obvious that they are going to say that’s not an adult lifestyle and it’s not taking responsibly for herself or her family.

Would she been seen by 6 doctors? Surely 2 at most to make an assessment? Then nurses would provide the general care?

A relative of mine was in a psych ward a while back. I didn’t get blow by blow details of it all…but apparently at that particular place it was hard to get any sleep due to some of the other patients would should and scream during the night. I doesn’t sound anything like what Pixi is describing, she sounds like she is on an all inclusive holiday. Maybe if you know how to play the system like she does you can navigate it for a week or so and then go home with some useful paperwork. It seems risky though…if the pump her full of unnecessary drugs it could actually cause her to have real mental health issues or make her behave in a way that gets her sectioned.

She claims she looked after Kori 24/7 for 12 years when he was on the verge of being terminally ill for most of that, plus had time to find a new man, have another baby, get married, get at least 2 dogs, chickens…and go to Whitby twice a year on holidays…plus still had time for a bit of grifting with the newspapers (the caravan etc) along the way.

Kori got her a LOT of attention…think of all that time with the hospital/hospice. Her playing the mother with ‘living grief’ and showing all the staff her dedication to her child…and being rewarded with constant interactions and being involved in every decision. Now she’s lost all that in-person attention and all she has is attention via YouTube. That’s why she’s getting so desperate for views and subscribers. It’s more than a financial grift.

She has been feeling/worrying that her YouTube channel is declining - she admitted that. Now, suddenly, she is getting her attention elsewhere via the health service. She’s had so much experience of it with Kori…she will understand her rights and a lot of the systems.

it’s clear from her own posts that she absolutely loving the attention of all those doctors etc.
....more updates:

Spanky just visited with Ostarra and bought me some things from home (the dolls houses were gifts from an unboxing previously) and also bought me some magazines, soup, fresh prawns (no armour on as that's gross), diamond art studio and Wednesday addams stickers!
Ostarra gave me her Happy Meal toy as she's already got one.
Being in here is really tough, so having crafts to do is honestly SO amazing xxx
(Yes...I also MUCH prefer kids magazines over boring adult ones)


Home for the day, been here for a few hours.
The first thing we did was go to see Kori and it was lovely to see little gifts and flowers left there

Came home, groomed the dogs, had a shower, fed all the animals and had some dinner.
Just watching Ostarra colour in a magazine and had cuddles with Spooky and Gypsy.
I really don't feel I need to be in the hospital anymore, so we will see what they say during the week.
Massively grateful to Spanky for picking me up and for visiting me whilst I've been in there.
Just desperate to be home properly now x

She's been in a couple of days and is ready for home? She is taking a bed that someone else desperately needs.......and she obviously hasn't been that mentally ill!!!!!
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