Insane but doesn’t surprise me. I really think the government needs to be asking to see receipts for what PIP is actually getting spent on when renewing claims. The fact that someone claims they are disabled doesn’t actually up to a need to have large sums of cash benefits. It’s supposed to pay for the additional living costs of the disability…yet I doubt it does in many cases. When disabled people are getting a lot of things for free, such as parking, bus fares, then discounts for things like their water bill if they use more due to the disability…plus if there is a carer they get a separate carer’s allowance, free prescriptions and dental. It gets to the point of wondering what this PIP is actually for…if the extra costs of being disabled are actually being often provided for in other ways. Even luxuries such as theatre tickets often allow a concession for people on PIP…yet they may have more money than a working person!
I know a family who are claiming PIP for a young autistic child (barely any noticeable traits it’s very mild, literally nothing that would cost them any additional money in daily life, they’ve just ramped them up for the claim, and kept him out of nursery claiming he needed specialised provision…when any nursery would have been willing to take him. He possibly isn’t even autistic, he’s been encouraged to act a particular way and kept away from other children).
i know they get PIP (not sure of the amount) plus other benefits. Both parents don’t work and are claiming they aren’t able to due to being full time carers for the child, I think they are claiming everything possible. The biggest joke of all…is that they recently got £300 from the local council towards a family holiday and went abroad…from a fund to enable disabled children to have holidays (but they won’t be doing any activities with him to help him learn better social skills etc while they are there). Yet I also know a family where both parents work and the children are older and they’ve never had a family holiday due to money worries and have recently booked a week in a caravan nearby as it’s the best they will be able to afford (school holiday costs). Seems to me that the only think the little boy will be learning from his holiday is that people who don’t work get rewarded with free holidays, and the children from the working family learn that life is a major struggle when both parents work full-time.
I mean…what is Pixi’s PIP paying for? Dolls and puppies? I very much doubt she is paying this carer, it’s probably adult social care and council funded. That’s if the carer even exists. It all seems very illogical. If Pixi can’t get herself out of bed and dressed by herself, then how could she have been the sole carer for a terminally ill child? Surely Kori would have been taken into the care system if she was that incapable? So much of what Pixi claims doesn’t add up.
There’s also the fact that we only have her word for it that she was ever admitted to the psych ward. Now that she can’t get public attention for Kori’s medical ailments, maybe she is just finding a way to get similar attention for herself. Because she has no wires or scars etc mental health is the obvious route to take. Why doesn’t she show us some of the paperwork, the process of it etc.