Some of the influencers who have shown real life things like death or illness are the ones getting the most hate on here. If they are happy they are the worst in the world if they are sad they are looking for attention! At the end of the day the likes of Instagram was always a place for showing your best side, I know on my personal page I don't share pictures of me struggling or feeling sad or going through something tough.
Also, I think it has taken Pippa this long to be able to talk about her miscarriage, if she had come on at the time she would've been so emotional and it would've been quite difficult to watch.
If people don't know that everyone doesn't live a flawless life then more fool them. Everyone experiences ups and downs, everyone deals with them in different ways.
And my final thoughts on it, most of the time I go on social media for a break from the shite in life! I do really admire the likes of Pippa for opening up taboo conversations, and I like following the likes of Sinead Hingston, but in both those examples they do it in a way that is comforting, inspiring, not "ugh this is so shite"