Greetings all,
First time posting here
hello. (Apologies in advance for this essay-length post!)
I want to start by saying I don't mean any personal offence or disrespect by the following question - I think this forum, and you guys here will be able to give the most honest answer, and informed perspective.
My back story as a listener - a fan since their early days on XFM, always kept up to date with that podcast, and got many of my (non-UK based) comedy fan friends onto it as well, saw John live in Edinburgh etc.
Skip forward to the early days of the BBC show. I listened for the first few months, but at this point I was getting pretty disillusioned with John's behaviour and the way he treated and spoke to Elis & Dave on the show. To me, it was such a strange mix of arrogance and anxiety. He had little pockets of self-awareness where he would explain how his thoughts were unhelpful, or disparaging, and how it made him unpleasant to be around. And then he would criticise everyone that didn't think in exactly the same way, or had a differing perspective/way of life. It's like he completely lacks any empathy, unless someone spells it out for him.
ANYWAY, early pandemic I stop listening to the show, as I was not enjoying it at all.
Skip forward again, John stops drinking. I read/listened to a few interviews around this time, and thought great, sounds like he's putting in a lot of effort to grow and change his actions. I started listening to the podcast again, interested in the progress, and his 'arc' for want of a better word.
I'm now up to November 2023 in the podcast, and to put it bluntly, John is still an unbearable ass. He is so unprofessional, and self-centred. If Elis or Dave behaved or spoke to him like he does to them, he would have a complete meltdown.
So, now to my question; dear devotees,
does it ever get any better? If not, I'll cut my loses, and bow out again now. I thought by NOV 23 I would be hearing an improvement. Please, don't get me wrong, I still find the podcast funny! But also, John can sometimes be so unpleasant that I ask myself why I'm choosing listen at all.
Again, apologies for the length, and no personal disrespect.
Has anyone else had these kinds of mixed feelings? TIA!