Paris Hilton

There have been baby farms busted in the far east. It is a fact and is happening right now. Women in developing countries being housed together to make babies for the rich.
Go watch the Theroux doc on it. Women in the US with addiction and mental heath issues becoming surrogates as they have no other options.

One quick google-


Women’s bodies have been used and abused for millennia. Now its given the hollywood sheen of respectability. As long as you have poor desperate women in this world, nothing will change. This is not the same as a family member or friend.
It is important to note however that not all surrogates are in these 'baby farms,' or addicts or suffering with mental health issues. There will be extreme cases with everything.
There are also healthy, happy women that are surrogates because they choose to be.


I supposed it's too much to ask that she's named him Matthew or Daniel or something isn't it 😆
I think she'll go with a place name.
Hmmm I'm thinking something more along the lines of -

Maybe even London
I quite like the name Tokyo. I can imagine she’s going to be quite a private mother in terms of social media etc, what do you think?


Funny how these women who choose to be commercial surrogates are always poorer than the commissioning parents isn’t it?
These posts are becoming such reaches. This can be said about any labour in a capitalist society unfortunately
I quite like the name Tokyo. I can imagine she’s going to be quite a private mother in terms of social media etc, what do you think?
Yes, totally. I actually think being a mother will suit her - she adores her sister Nicky's children.

These posts are becoming such reaches. This can be said about any labour in a capitalist society unfortunately
I agree - it's like saying 'why don't rich people work as cleaners?,' 'why don't millionaires work in Tesco?'

Such a reach.
I agree - it's like saying 'why don't rich people work as cleaners?,' 'why don't millionaires work in Tesco?'

Such a reach.

It's not though is it. It's more like saying why are rich people never prostitutes? Why don't millionaires ever get discovered working as slaves for other rich people?

The answer is pretty obvious, but if it helps it's because people don't do these things if they have a choice. And if you're working as a surrogate (or a prostitute, or a modern day slave) it's because you have to, it's a choice yes. But a coercive one. And one which comes with high risks (which is why people don't do it if they can afford not to).

Surrogacy between family members etc is different, I still don't like it from the babies perspective, but I understand it and I suspect there's a lot less of a power imbalance between the surrogate and prospective parents so it's less morally ambiguous in that respect. Plus at least the child in those circumstances is likely to know both mothers and maintain a relationship with the woman who birthed them which negates some of the issues in commercial surrogacy.

Paris Hilton has announced that she's become a mother and is getting accolades and congratulations all over the shop. But somewhere there's an actual woman who has spent the last 9 months growing a baby, who is bleeding and lactating and suffering all of the hormonal changes that post birth mothers go through. There's no acknowledgement of her though is there, no thanks, no nothing. Because PH seems that womans womb as a product that she can buy. And now she's done her job she's of no consequence. And that's just weird and wrong. IMO.
It's not though is it. It's more like saying why are rich people never prostitutes?
Clearly you've never heard of yachting?

Paris Hilton has announced that she's become a mother and is getting accolades and congratulations all over the shop. But somewhere there's an actual woman who has spent the last 9 months growing a baby, who is bleeding and lactating and suffering all of the hormonal changes that post birth mothers go through. There's no acknowledgement of her though is there, no thanks, no nothing.
How do you know this? Perhaps Paris has thanked her in private and is protecting her privacy and identity. If she paraded her out for the world to see she would also be criticised for this. She can't win either way.
How do you know this? Perhaps Paris has thanked her in private and is protecting her privacy and identity. If she paraded her out for the world to see she would also be criticised for this. She can't win either way.

Yeah, a brief thank you so much to the wonderful surrogate who made all of this possible wouldn't out anyone would it? I bet it's not even crossed her mind.
Do we know the name? X

Not yet as far as i know! I can't imagine it being too crazy since her husband doesn't seem he'd be into a weird name and most of her family actually have pretty normal names. I wonder if she'll maybe use a unique first name and one of her family names as the middle name?