Co sleeping is absolutely fine if you follow the safety guidelines. I've attached them (as listed by the Lullaby Trust) for you.
There are stipulations to co sleeping. If you smoke, if you have been drinking or taking drugs, if your baby was born below 37 weeks or below a certain weight and if you are extremely tired then it's recommended you don't Co sleep.
Out of those, she could be extremely tired, however she said that she sends the newborn into the other room with Dean until baby needed feeding.
She also has a bed cot for the baby which the baby goes in so baby is perfectly safe in there.
But really, co sleeping is not a no no if the guidelines are followed so it's important to stop spreading that myth.
There is.
Two bedside cots for a start. A lot of people are massively misinformed about co sleeping and think it's endless bodies piled into 1 bed and a hope for the best situation, it really isn't.
I co slept and loved it. I followed the rules and it was fine. I know lots of others that co slept. I don't know anyone who lost a child to sids through co sleeping (and it can happen, usually when the rules haven't been followed and a child has suffocated under the blanket) but I know 2 families (close friends) who put their child to sleep in a cot and both died of sids.
Co sleeping settles the baby quicker, it's easier for feeding and it's recommended baby sleeps in the same room for the first 6 months so why not have them as close as safely possible?