1) nobody said that, but your post that I was referring to, failed to acknowledge that white Irish men rape and assault women, you implied that ALL refugees rape women.
2) what makes you think anyone coming here intends to do harm vs seeking opportunity and a better life. Please state your sources.
3) truly and sincerely sorry to hear about your friend. That does not however, mean all women are in danger of being raped by a refugee. I was raped by a white Irish man… so by your logic does that mean I must assume all white Irish men are rapists and warn all women off them?
4) sharia fein… wise up pet
You’re making yourself look silly.
5) nope, I don’t believe my da and I were outside city hall yapping. My da wouldn’t be wile interested tbh. Is calling me liberal meant to offend me? Liberal, empathetic, caring. Tick tick tick. Why do you assume being liberal and considerate of others coming into the country automatically means that I don’t give a
tit about anyone born here? The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
6) i do actually know the meaning of racism, I do however suspect you don’t know the meaning of xenaphobia…because what you described above about not wanting people coming into the country is the exact definition of xenophobia
Irish pubs are literally everywhere you colossal idiot
mortified for you.