VIP Member
@WeHadFunRight - that's the funny thing. My home town is an absolute cess pit. The town's shopping centre (from the 60s) has about 3 open shops in it, any other shops are charity, booze or betting shops which is funny when about 60% of the town is no longer 'White Christian' (I have absolutely nothing against immigration and migration and am proud that my home town is so open and welcoming, they support a lot of refuges from places like Afghanistan and Somalia etc. but it's odd to have so many shops that sell things the majority of the town does not use due to religious reasons). It doesn't even have a theatre, you have to drive 20 minutes to get to one. We get a huge amount of gang violence there too now as well as it spills out from London. There's very little green space, hardly anything for teenagers to do, the local area isn't interesting in anyway. Hundreds of very expensive new build cookie cutter estates with postage stamp gardens and one shared driveway for 6 houses, that kind of thing. The local hospital trust is somehow worse than the one I currently work for, which is pretty special tbh so there's no industry for me there. If our parents didn't live there we would never ever consider moving back and it's only coincidence that both our parents do live there, as they're not from there either.
If I had to choose and could travel by teleportation, I'd live in the Lakes in a heart beat. Living in a rural location has really proved to me that I love the outdoors and the countryside, which again, my home area doesn't really have (few farms here and there but the majority of the green space is privately owned). Often I dream of winning the lottery and buying a nice little 3 bed cottage on Windermere, that I could bolt out to in times of stress!
If I had to choose and could travel by teleportation, I'd live in the Lakes in a heart beat. Living in a rural location has really proved to me that I love the outdoors and the countryside, which again, my home area doesn't really have (few farms here and there but the majority of the green space is privately owned). Often I dream of winning the lottery and buying a nice little 3 bed cottage on Windermere, that I could bolt out to in times of stress!