OMG i love you lot! Have been on hiatus, having a rest and all that. Which roughly translates to having some work in, then sleeping a lot, and noodling around on other websites like reddit ghost/glitch stories and one pan bean feast recipes. I'm incredibly diverse don't you know
Popped onto MN a few nights ago, spent a couple of hours there reading about cholesterol (don't ask) and wondered why, after a wee while I felt so
unutterably depressed. It's been a while, so I am not a regular there anymore, but jesus henry, what a frightful bunch they are! It's still all about class identification (whilst insisting we don't have a class system - hypocrites!) and how one managed to marry 'well' and push our progeny into private education. Private education isn't even common amongst the middle classes, I wonder if they even know that, or perhaps have some severely crossed wires. Crikey, don't these tools have anything else to live for? What is their everyday state of mind? I came away feeling like I'd eaten too much angel delight and needed to puke it back up. I felt mired in a glut of insecure, postulating shite-hawks.
After so long away, I can only say that the place stank of insecurity and fear. Each and every one is an expert on something, from food to child rearing to walking their
bleeping dogs. There's no humility or nuance, no actual discussion - every thread is a
tit show of egotistical peacock feathering, anger and one upmanship, Best to give it a wide berth if you have any sensitivity at all. Maybe ok for a laugh once in a while. I truly hope they don't actually represent the average middle aged woman in the UK. I strongly doubt they do. I want to yelp to the world that
we are not all like that!
Also, marshabradyO or whatever she is called pops up on every thread as an expert on all things. I am only going to presume she isn't an expert on having an actual life offline.