Why is it always Dementia, menopause or SepsisCould my son have dementia at 24?
Speaking of weddings, we just decided to get married, and you all need to buy hats. 5 February. We're so happy.
Why is it always Dementia, menopause or Sepsis
Us, my daughter and her partner and two of our best friends. We are, however, going madly poncy with rings. Possibly a large gin afterwards.
In fact, I reckon Mumsnet would hate our shortlist of rings. Excellent!
Congratulations! I shall go and buy a Fedora immediately even though I'm not a lesbian.Speaking of weddings, we just decided to get married, and you all need to buy hats. 5 February. We're so happy.
A&E NOW!!...and surely we would need more info to do a FULL Mumsnet diagnosis? Bit more drip feed required.
I shall pop over & kindly suggest he’s obviously a crack addict and has an issue with alcohol and prescription drugs.Could my son have dementia at 24?
Speaking of weddings, we just decided to get married, and you all need to buy hats. 5 February. We're so happy.
I'm very sorry SS but as I have not met your intended, I will not be able to attend. However, Mr B and my children will be able to attend. I have bought you a nice bottle of wine, some posh chocs and a silver photo frame for your gift though
Speaking of weddings, we just decided to get married, and you all need to buy hats. 5 February. We're so happy.
Speaking of weddings, we just decided to get married, and you all need to buy hats. 5 February. We're so happy.