VIP Member
I dunno. I have an IVF baby but surrogacy and anonymous gamete/oocyte donation don’t sit well with me. I’m okay with known donors.
MN however froth at the mouth whenever the poor infertiles are brought up. Basically we should be willing to chat endlessly about their children, never be upset about our childlessness, and IVF is unnatural and will set your child up for a lifetime of “unknown” health problems. There’s a couple of posters who are absolute psychos about it, I think BlossomToes is one.
Someone yesterday posted about having a miscarriage and her friend is pregnant and when she got home she had a little cry and she was advised not to ‘sour’ her friends pregnancy. By crying in private. After a miscarriage. She was also told ‘your friends baby is not your baby, you need to separate them’. They often leave me speechless. I’m childfree and there’s been threads on there about how childfree women don’t have empathy as you’re not maternal/nurturing/loving/empathetic until you’ve had children and I can’t believe they type that with a straight face after the way infertile women/women struggling with conceiving (and everyone else) get ripped into on there.