I think so I cant see it eitherDid she delete the video from last night? I can’t find it!
she unlisted it so the sponsor of the video would still be able to see it maybe they had an issue with it or didn't review it properly? ... luckily I was watching on my Mac so its still in my history linksDid she delete the video from last night? I can’t find it!
Before she turned the comments off there was one that said “well, they have to fail a certain amount a day hun”. What a load of titYeah tailgating a car is illegal. I bet it was a habit she did throughout her test being “too far up people’s arse” as I call it when I’m driving sounds like Mia all over, being failed for tailgating because she’s too impatient.
the fact she’s tried to say the instructor was wrong just be like aw well it is what it is , try again! I bet when people ask why she failed she’ll say “ I shouldn’t have failed, i was doing great” instructors don’t fail for nothing! She always has to be negative and make out everyone is out to get her for no reason.... even a qualified instructor! Just accept you’re not perfect like your lick arse 12 year old fans make out you are
Yes i have a wide rib cage due to genetics and it can also be the way you breathe. I’m slim but because of the size of my rib cage it makes me look a lot bigger than i actually amI don’t follow Mia on tiktok, just had a look, Is there such a thing as a wide rib cage?
I get the same, I could have a flat belly but my ribs are sticking out really far so I just look like a blob it’s annoying but nothing can be done unfortunatelyYes i have a wide rib cage due to genetics and it can also be the way you breathe. I’m slim but because of the size of my rib cage it makes me look a lot bigger than i actually am
she unlisted it so the sponsor of the video would still be able to see it maybe they had an issue with it or didn't review it properly? ... luckily I was watching on my Mac so its still in my history links
not sure if it will work for other people
what mia says about mabels dad is awful. she needs to put her feelings aside and just be neutral. mabel deserves to have an opportunity to have a relationship with her father and that won’t happen if mia continues to badmouth himI’m sure we all know who the ingham family are, and I was just skimming through their thread and there was quite a bit of discussion about how the eldest daughter has a different dad and he’s been talked about quite negatively on the channel. I can’t help but think unless Mia actually gets off her high horse and accepts the fact Mabel has a dad who might want to be in her life, she’s going to become more like Sarah ingham, painting her child’s father as a seemingly bad person who has no means of defending them self against the claims.
Of course we have no idea whether or not either father deserves any respect as we have no proof of the allegations being true, but in both cases these influencers have presented these men, who never asked to be talked about on the internet, in negative ways to their impressionable audiences to gain sympathy.
She does make me laughcourse they did
I don’t have the screenshot but she posted on either Snapchat or Instagram Mabel in something that was to big and she said “whenever I try putting Mabel in anything her sizes” and I could imagine her putting something meant for older babies on her instead to back up her idea that Mabel is ‘petite’babies don't have grown adult body types. she's just desperate to convince herself that Mabel takes after her in some way when we all know she clearly looks like her dad.
why is Mia saying that herself is petite? im a size 8 and definitely not tall and wouldn't even call myself petite...
of course Mia is blaming something else for her fail. the weather. called it!
her 'friends' what friends? I thought you had none? or was that just attention? also what happened to this mum friend holiday that never happened guessing it was a lie?
yet again another boring video of her sat in her room.
Just looked at the post again and They’ve been deleted nowView attachment 262658 q
go on Laura !
also slightly hypocritical when she’s been lining JKR’s pockets buying so much HP merch...ugh I hate how on tiktok she acts as if her supporting her child if they were lgbtq makes her such a good person when it really should be the bare minimum
Someone literally commented on one of her videos where she mentioned her new, aesthetics pleasing HP books that she should get them second hand, because the money is going to JKR. Doubt she cares. She only seems to care about things like that when it suits her.also slightly hypocritical when she’s been lining JKR’s pockets buying so much HP merch...